Nadia 24th Feb (45 min)

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Myślę, że pijesz herbatę.
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I think you are drinking tea.
Mamy coś wspólnego.
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We have something in common.
We have nothing in common.
Została tylko jedna kropla herbaty.
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Only one drop of tea is left.
pianka (kakao / matcha)
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froth / foam
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Jak często twój mąż pije matchę?
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How often does your husband drink matcha?
Czym się zajmujesz? (praca)
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What do you do?
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an engineer
Czym on się zajmuje?
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What does he do?
He's an engineer.
Co on teraz robi?
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What is he doing now?
Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
O której dzisiaj wstałeś?
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What time did you wake up today?
Obudziłem się o 7:00 rano.
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I woke up at 7:00am.
Poszedłem spać O 10:00.
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I went TO sleep AT 10:00.
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a forehead
Zjadłem śniadanie o 11:00 rano.
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I ate breakfast at 11:00am.
Skończyłem szkołę o 12:35.
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I finished school at 12:35pm.
W środy kończę szkołę o 14:40.
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On Wednesdays I finish school at 2:40pm.
wygodne / dogodne
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Taking the bus is more convenient than walking.
Online shopping is very convenient when you are busy.
wygodne (buty, łóżko)
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comfortable / comfy
to łóżko jest naprawdę wygodne
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this bed is really comfy
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She goes to acro twice a week.
I go to acro once a week.
6 (wymowa)
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Mam hip-hop OD 17:30 DO 19:00.
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I have hip-hop FROM 5:30 TO 7:00pm.
We wtorki mam zajęcia OD 8:50 DO 15:30.
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On Tuesdays I have classes FROM 8:50 TO 3:30.
aplikacja w telefonie
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an app
Śpij dobrze. / Śpij spokojnie.
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Sleep well. / Sleep tight.
ryba rozdymka
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a pufferfish

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