На сумоўі - In an interview

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Я думаю, я вам падыходжу.
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I think I have the profile you are looking for.
Паўтарыце, калі ласка.
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Could you please say that again?
Дзякуй за магчымасць.
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Thank you for the opportunity.
Калі ласка, раскажыце мне пра выгады кампаніі.
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Could you please tell me what are the company's benefits?
Я заўсёды быў зацікаўлены папрацаваць у вашай кампаніі.
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I've always been interested in working in your company.
Мне вельмі спадабаўся профіль працы.
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I really liked the profile of the job.
Я магу дапамоч у сферы рэкламы.
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I could help in the advertising area.
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