My year of no spending

 0    18 schede    frankherbert60
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Domanda English Risposta English
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something that requires a lot of determination to achieve
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basic things that are needed for life.
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waste (verb)
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not requiring any thought or intelligence
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the quality of being careful when using something
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legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank to buy a house
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public services such as gas, water and electricity
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very bad or of poor quality
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a public performance, especially of jazz or popular music
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a force that helps something to happen or develop more quickly
hit the shops
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go on a shopping spree
practise what you preach
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behave in the same way that you try to persuade other people to behave
shake up
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make changes so that something is organized in a more effective way
retail therapy
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the activity of shopping in order to make yourself feel happier
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difficult to deal with and embarrassing
disposable income
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money that you have left to spend after paying your bills
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firm determination to do something
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to spend a lot of money on buying goods, especially expensive goods

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