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Come on Jade!, Turn a blind (e _ _).
Vamos Jade, haste de la vista gorda.
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Come on Jade!, Turn a blind eye.
household chores.
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Quehaceres domesticos.
Oh great!. --- (Que bar).
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Que barbaro.
Come on Jade!, Turn a blind eye.
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Come on Jade!, Turn a blind eye.
What is the verb to make a signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop?
Location: H (Suena como: Jeildy).
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to hail.
to hail a taxi. We hailed the passing train.
What”s the name of the pieces of ice that fall from clouds like rain?.
Suena como: Gel
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Many cars were damaged by HAIL during the storm.
is a piece of cloth or other material that is placed between a baby's legs and fastened around the waist to hold body waste?.
Location: D (Dyer).
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diaper. changing a baby's diaper.
to put a diaper on (someone)?.
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to diaper. Honey, please diaper the baby.
is the name given to the diapers that you throw away in the garbage after being used.?
Location: D (Dyer).
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disposable diapers.
is a baby's toy that makes a series of short sounds when it is shaken?.
Location: R (Rose house).
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is a poisonous American snake that makes a noise like a rattle with its tail when it is angry or afraid?.
Location: R (Rose house).
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noun. is the act of attacking and robbing someone ?.
Location: M (Mart house).
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mugging. There have been several muggings in the park recently. The park has had an increased rate of mugging recently.
(tasa grande para el cafe). to attack and rob someone.?
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tu mug........ Lupe was mugged under a bridge (when he was) walking home from work.
is an officer in a court of law who helps the judge control the people in the courtroom?.
Location: B (Best buy).
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bailiff. His father works as bailiff in Marcom court.
is a rubber object shaped like a nipple for babies to suck or bite on and that is used to makes babies calm when they are angry or upset.?
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Pacifier........ Doctor, Should I give my baby a pacifier?.
Diaper, Pins: are made from stainless steel, which creates rustproof and sturdy pins.
Location: D (Dyer).
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Diaper, Pins: are made from stainless steel, which creates rustproof and sturdy pins.
Emigdio forgot to lock up the door lock of the garage and someone tried to open it.
Location: D (Dyer).
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Emigdio forgot to lock up the door lock of the garage and someone tried to open it.
is a narrow bed in a ship, train, etc.?.
Location: B (Best buy).
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is a special type of glove worn by the first baseman?.
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mitt. a first baseman's mitt.
is a car that carries passengers to a place for an amount of money that is based on the distance traveled?.
Suena como: (Cab, ron.)
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cab. or taxi. She went outside and hailed a cab or taxi. Do you want to get a cab?.
PLAINTIFF ....... a plaintiff is a person who sues another person or accuses another person of a crime in a court of law?.
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is a pipe usually in the street that provides water especially for putting out fires?.
Location: F (First house).
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fire hydrant. or fireplug.
is a building or group of buildings in which soldiers live?.
Location: B (Best buy).
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barracks. He was confined to barracks for insubordination.
is the part of a truck, tractor, etc., in which the driver sits?.
Suena como: (Cab, bron).
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is a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person?.
Location: I (Igor's house).
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insane asylum.
is a large truck with a long trailer attached to the back of it?.
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semi. semitrailer. or tractor trailer.
There's a semi overturned on the highway full of dog food.
is a woman whose job is to serve meals and take care of passengers on a train, airplane, or ship?. Ask the BLANK if we can smoke here?.
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stewardess. or flight attendant. (UK). air hostess. Ask the stewardess if we can smoke here?.
is a long platform or box with wheels that is pulled behind a truck or car and used to transport things?.
Location: T (Torres ave.).
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trailer. We helped them load the furniture onto the trailer. a horse trailer.
is a special type of heavy glove worn by the catcher?.
Location: M (Mart house.).
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mitt. ----------------------- a catcher's mitt.
is the Slang or Vulgar term for. a woman's pubic area?.
Location: M (Mart house.).
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What’s this?.
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beehive. called also hive. hive.
Tachones de fútbol. — IMAGINA a: Don CLETo vendiendo leńa con unos tachones de fútbol.
Are sport Shoes with leather or metal projections on the soles.
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is the medical name given for a piece of solid waste that is released from the body?.
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Stool... Mary went to see the doctor because she had noticed some blood in her stools.
is an informal name given for a big and long piece of solid waste that is released from the body?.
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is a narrow and light camp bed, often made of cloth stretched over a folding frame?.
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There were four cots in the campers' cabin.
is a soft, heavy, grey, poisonous metal used for roofs, pipes, etc (formula Pb)?.
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(a pipe made of lead).
Oveni Smitt asked, What’s this?.
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oven mitt.
is a mitten that is made out of a thick material and used for taking hot dishes out of an oven called also (Brit) oven glove?.
Hey, Kaz, turn the tap on and start doing the dishes please.
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Hey, Kaz, turn the tap on and start doing the dishes please.
Learn physics, science, chemistry, biology, math, astronomy, and electronics in San Agustin college.
Location: P (Prietas house).
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Learn physics, science, chemistry, biology, math, astronomy, and electronics in San Agustin college.
Stingray is a type of fish that has a large, flat body and a long tail with spines on it that are used to sting other animals.
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Stingray is a type of fish that has a large, flat body and a long tail with spines on it that are used to sting other animals.
is meat, usually beef, that has been cut up into very small pieces, often using a special machine?.
Location: G (Grandparents h.).
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ground beef.
is beer stored in and poured from a large container?.
Location: D (Dayer).
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draft beer.
The grower had a swarm of locusts in his field last year... - - - Locust.
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Langosta. any of a group of insects (order Orthoptera) that are distributed worldwide.
Fig tree roots are a favorite food of gophers.
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Fig tree roots are a favorite food of gophers.
Rene ordered four more "drafts" for him and his friends. --------------------- draft.
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Cerveza de barril. beer stored in and poured from a large container.
Physics cannot explain how these tiny particles interact.
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Physics cannot explain how these tiny particles interact.
Hey, Quito please turn on the faucet.
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Hey, Quito please turn on the faucet.
The grower had a swarm of locusts in his field last year.
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The grower had a swarm of locusts in his field last year.
Fig tree roots are a favorite food of gophers.
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Fig tree roots are a favorite food of gophers.
He “doesn't care a fig” about what others think........ not give/care a fig.
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Importar un bledo.
I don't give a fig whether he comes or goes.
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I don't give a fig whether he comes or goes.
We bought a keg (of beer) for the party.
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We bought a keg (of beer) for the party.
Elias and Edgar drank an entire keg of beer.
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Elias and Edgar drank an entire keg of beer.
Lion's team soccer player has broken his leg in the second leg match.
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Lion's team soccer player has broken his leg in the second leg match.
Raffa Marquez has broken his leg in the second leg match.
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Raffa Marquez has broken his leg in the second leg match.
He's broken his leg in the second leg match.
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He's broken his leg in the second leg match.
Anna didn't want to get sunburn, so she sat in the shade.
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Anna didn't want to get sunburn, so she sat in the shade.
The trees shaded the garden.
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The trees shaded the garden.
I always like to sit here under this tree shade.
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I always like to sit here under this tree shade.
We sat in the shade of a willow tree.
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We sat in the shade of a willow tree.
I pull down the window shades to block the street light when I go to bed.
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I pull down the window shades to block the street light when I go to bed.
Son, Please pull down the window shade to block the sun.
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Son, Please pull down the window shade to block the sun.
Carrie broke her backbone when she fell down the stairs.
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Carrie broke her backbone when she fell down the stairs.
Oviedo with an ape suit. Oviedo with an ape suit is aping to his father in law.
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Oviedo with an ape suit. Oviedo with an ape suit is aping to his father in law.
Oviedo with an ape suit. FILL IN THE BLANK.
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is aping to his father in law. Oviedo with an ape suit is aping to his father in law.
Quito, did you finally learn how to lace (up) your shoes?.
Location (L). Los Compadres.
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Quito, did you finally learn how to lace (up) your shoes?.
to lace. or lace up.=atarse los cordones. to pull a lace through the holes of (a shoe, boot, etc.).
Our votes will cancel each other, BLANK.
eliminar, neutralizar, anular. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
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out... Our votes will cancel each other out.
cancel out (something) or cancel (something) out= neutralizar, anular, eliminar. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
Recent losses have, BLANK, OUT any profits made at the start of the year.
eliminar, neutralizar, anular. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
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cancelled. Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year.
cancel out (something) or cancel (something) out= neutralizar, anular, eliminar. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
The advantages and disadvantages would appear to, (BLANK), each other OUT.
1) eat out. 2) cut out. 3) cancel out.
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Cancel... The advantages and disadvantages would appear to cancel each other out.
cancel out (something) or cancel (something) out= neutralizar, anular, eliminar. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
The costs cancel, BLANK, the benefits.
eliminar, neutralizar, anular. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
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councel out... The costs cancel out the benefits.
cancel out (something) or cancel (something) out= neutralizar, anular, eliminar. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
The new tax effectively, BLANK, out my raise.
eliminar, neutralizar, anular. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
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cancels out... The new tax effectively cancels out my raise.
cancel out (something) or cancel (something) out= neutralizar, anular, eliminar. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
The `A' will, BLANK, the `C' on your record.
eliminar, neutralizar, anular. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
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cancel out... The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record.
cancel out (something) or cancel (something) out= neutralizar, anular, eliminar. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.
Carrie broke her backbone when she fell down the stairs.
Location: S (Sauk Village).
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Carrie broke her backbone when she fell down the stairs.
Stairs= las escaleras. a set of steps built between two floors inside a building.
What is the name of the set of steps built between two floors inside, or outside of a building?.
Location: S (Sauk Village).
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Stairs. stairs.
Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
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Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
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Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
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Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
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Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
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Despite his earnest efforts, Chicharito couldn't find any team.
The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year.
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The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year.
earnest= en serio, ceriamente. very serious and sincere, seriously.
The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year.
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The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year.
The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year. ----------- earnest.
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en serio, ceriamente. very serious and sincere, seriously.
The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year.
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The work on the bridge in Dyer Indiana began in earnest last year.
When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
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When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
earnest= en serio, ceriamente. very serious and sincere, seriously.
When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
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When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
earnest= en serio, ceriamente. very serious and sincere, seriously.
When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
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When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
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When Emigdio starts to work out, he do it in earnest.
Spending more money is only going to worsen the problem.
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Spending more money is only going to worsen the problem.
worsen= empeorar. to become or make something worse than it was before.
The situation has worsened after the accident.
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The situation has worsened after the accident.
worsen= empeorar. to become or make something worse than it was before.
Jhon Sebastian's health has worsened considerably since we last saw him.
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Jhon Sebastian's health has worsened considerably since we last saw him.
worsen= empeorar. to become or make something worse than it was before.
My wacky aunt takes a swim before the lake freezes every winter.
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My wacky aunt takes a swim before the lake freezes every winter.
wacky= loco(a), chiflado(a). very strange, funny or amusing in a slightly crazy way.
Enrique Rodriguez is a wacky guy with his wacky imagination. - - - wacky.
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loco(a), chiflado(a). very strange, funny or amusing in a slightly crazy way.
WACKY ----- Jim Carry has a wacky sense of humor.
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wacky= loco(a), chiflado(a). very strange, funny or amusing in a slightly crazy way.
The police car pulled up alongside of our car.
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The police car pulled up alongside of our car.
pull up= parar, pararse. to stop a vehicle at a particular place.
Enrique Iglesias pulled up next to me at the stoplight.
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Enrique Iglesias pulled up next to me at the stoplight.
Kaz is always grumpy in the morning.
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Kaz is always grumpy in the morning. (morning).
grumpy= cascarrabias, gruñón. easily annoyed or angered: having a bad temper or complaining often.
Quito is sometimes grumpy in the morning.
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Quito is sometimes grumpy in the morning. (morning).
grumpy= cascarrabias, gruñón. easily annoyed or angered: having a bad temper or complaining often.
Essy is always grumpy everyday.
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Essy is always grumpy everyday.
grumpy= cascarrabias, gruñón. easily annoyed or angered: having a bad temper or complaining often.
Our neighbor is a grumpy old man.
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Our neighbor is a grumpy old man.
grumpy= cascarrabias, gruñón. easily annoyed or angered: having a bad temper or complaining often.
I was feeling grumpy after my long flight.
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I was feeling grumpy after my long flight.
grumpy= cascarrabias, gruñón. easily annoyed or angered: having a bad temper or complaining often.
Donald Trump is a fucking tycoon ........ tycoon.
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Magnate. a very wealthy and powerful person who is successful in business or industry.
Carlos Slim is a Mexican tycoon.
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Carlos Slim is a Mexican tycoon.
tycoon= magnate. a very wealthy and powerful person who is successful in business or industry.
Lupe was mugged under a bridge when he was walking home from work.
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Lupe was mugged under a bridge when he was walking home from work.
to mug= atracar, asaltar. to attack and rob (someone).
Cancel out... Did you know that drinking after a workout can cancel out any gain.
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eliminar, neutralizar, anular. to reduce or Neutralize the effect of (something): to be equal to (something), to counterbalance or compensate for one another; offset, void.

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