My english 38

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to develop or come from something (originate)
wynikać z czegoś, pochodzić (tekże trzon, łodyga)
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stem from sth
popęd płciowy
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sex drive
stosunek płciowy
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to be friendly with each other immediately:
od razu się polubić świetnie się rozumieć
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hit it off (with someone)
kiełki, kiełkować
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sprouts, to sprout
brussels sprouts
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pęcherz moczowy
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okalać, otaczać, obramowywać
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łóżeczko dla małego dziecka plecione
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namiastka (substitute)
used instead of something else, usually because the other thing is too expensive or rare:
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niezbity niepodważalny niezachwiany niezdobyty nie do zdobycia nie do obalenia
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something that you say before you tell someone something important that you want them to remember:
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just for the record
And, just for the record, we were never any more than good friends.
umiejscowienie, położenie (location, position)
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radosny dziarski zuchwały żwawy
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klepać, głaskać
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to pat
Co powinienem zrobić?
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What am i supposed to do?
clothes, including for men a black bow tie, worn for very formal social occasions
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black tie
By extension, to meet the requirements necessary for an application to be successful or to be selected from a group of candidates.
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make the cut
Because of my poor grades in math, I ended up not making the cut for Harvard.
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tuxedo, tux (informal)
kucać, przycupnąć (squat)
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poduszka (pillow)
także banda w bilardzie
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to use something that you already have, such as a resource, in order to achieve something new or better:
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of digital infrastructure services that developers can leverage when developing their application
plony, zbiory
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onion crop failed
Directed to someone who is acting out of control or acts like they are on drugs
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are you on crack
a document given to a person saying that they do not have a job any more
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pink slip
i got a pink slip today
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not decided or certain:
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z mojej strony
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on my part
But the success of the operation was well worth any personal sacrifice on my part.
wybryk, figiel, psikus
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strange or odd; unusual.
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to defecate
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move my bowels
To float or be suspended over someone or something.
być w zawieszeniu nad czymś, wisieć
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hover over
ponury, posępny
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w dużej mierze, w dużym stopniu
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in no small part
And this was in no small part due to/thanks to Queen Grace.
okładać pięściami, bić
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to ask a question, especially in a formal situation such as a meeting
stawiać (pytanie)
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Can we go back to the question that Helena posed earlier?
poddać pod dyskusję poddawać pod dyskusję
także przymiotnik: sporny, dyskusyjny
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His name was mooted as a possible successor.
nękać, dręczyć, niepokoić
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wyczyn, czyn
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feat, exploit
poprzedzać coś
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come before (something) in time
poprzedzać, wyprzedzać
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One witness reported hearing an explosion precede the fire
a pilot
lotnik, pilot
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wstępny, orientacyjny, niewiążący
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