to relax, especially by sitting with your feet supported above the ground inizia ad imparare
You go home and put your feet up
to record it on a file (a set of paper records) in case it might be useful in the future. inizia ad imparare
The details are filed away by his three secretaries for future reference.
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They also called on “the resistance” in the West Bank
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Tempest in a teapot or Tempest in a teapot
najechać, wtargną, okupować inizia ad imparare
Reach a certain point or goal inizia ad imparare
Do you think she'll make it to graduation? or We finally made it to Chicago
to end, or to make an activity end zwinąć biznes, zakończyć jakąs aktywność inizia ad imparare
also wind sth down (gradually) We need to wind up now, we only have five minutes left.
to gain the greatest possible advantage from something wykorzystać na maksa inizia ad imparare
make/get the most out of something Charming and friendly, she will help you make the most of your visit
to say formally or publicly that you no longer own, support, believe in, or have a connection with something inizia ad imparare
Gandhi renounced the use of violence. Her ex-husband renounced his claim to the family house.
to say that you have no responsibility for, or knowledge of, something that has happened or been done wyprzeć się, zdementować inizia ad imparare
We disclaim all responsibility for this disaster
If you '...' an organization or person, you agree with and support their aims inizia ad imparare
align yourself with sth/sb
zaatakować kogoś werbalnie lub fizycznie to strike out in defense or attack—physically or verbally inizia ad imparare
Amy was angry with Ed and lashed out at him just to show who was boss.
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experiencing or using a threat of killing with a gun na muszce, grożąc bronią (chodzi o pistolet) inizia ad imparare
The family were held at gunpoint for an hour while the men raided their house.
a short journey either to take a message or to take or collect something zadanie, zlecenie, sprawunek inizia ad imparare
I'll meet you at six, I've got some errands to do/run first.
to discuss possibilities or new ideas with a group of people: przegadać coś inizia ad imparare
Some of us have been tossing around suggestions for improving the show.
uporządkować (nieformalnie) inizia ad imparare
to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way: przejrzeć, przestudiować jeszcze raz inizia ad imparare
Remember to go over your essay to check for grammar and spelling mistakes
(of a number of things) to form something as a whole: tworzyć (całość) inizia ad imparare
The book is made up of several different articles.
w skrócie / jednym słowem inizia ad imparare
uncja (jednostka miary masy) inizia ad imparare
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move the data to auxiliary table
large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy niewygodny inizia ad imparare
a main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read główna rzecz/przesłanie inizia ad imparare
The takeaway from the conference was how competitive the tourism industry has become.
to be told facts or information that you did not know dowiedzieć się inizia ad imparare
I later learned (that) the message had never arrived
haniebny, skandaliczny, gorszący inizia ad imparare
I have never seen more hideous and disgraceful thing in my entire life
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the best method for doing a particular thing najlepszy sposób inizia ad imparare
A law against dumping waste is the way to go.
nadstawiać karku, ryzykować inizia ad imparare
(informal) to be very easy to notice inizia ad imparare
She certainly sticks out in a crowd
to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly inizia ad imparare
o stop supporting or doing something: zastopować, wycofać się z czegoś inizia ad imparare
Both parties indicate they will not pull back from a new peace deal
text that is written with each of the first letters of every word being capitalized inizia ad imparare
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odpowiedzialny za coś inizia ad imparare
to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember przypomnieć, przywołać co robiliśmy, mówiliśmy. inizia ad imparare
He recalled (that) he had sent the letter over a month ago.
hurt, hurtowy inizia ad imparare
We only sell wholesale, not to the public.
to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful ingerować, wtrącać się w coś inizia ad imparare
Interfering in other people's relationships is always a mistake