music to my ears-text

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heavy and awkward to wear or use
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At first I played on clunky Chinese keyboards
to compete very hard with someone in order to get something
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Millions of pianists in China were vying for fame.
material recorded on film
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I realized later how much pressure he was under as I watched footage of the contest.
to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard [= creep]
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At night, I would sneak into the living room just to touch the keys.
a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or jazz, American
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Sure enough, gigs started pouring in.
to move or move something or someone from one place to another:
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To relocate to Beijing with me, he made a great sacrifice.
to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc.:
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Finally our money worries were easing.

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