Murphy 04 Unit 9-10 Present perfect continuous

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Brakuje Ci tchu Czy biegałeś?
... for an activity that has recently stopped...
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You're out of breath. Have you been running?
... for an activity that has recently stopped...
Paul jest bardzo zmęczony. Bardzo ciężko pracował
he's tired now
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Paul is very tired. He's been working very hard
he's tired now
Dlaczego twoje ubrania są takie brudne? Co robiłeś?
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Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
Rozmawiałem z Amandą o problemie, i ona się ze mną zgadza
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I've been talking to Amanda about the problem and she agrees with me
Gdzie byłeś? Szukałem cię wszędzie
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Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere
Jak długo pada deszcz?
how long for... the activity is still or just stopped
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How long has it been raining?
deszcz pada od dwóch godzin
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it has been raining for two hours
Jak długo uczysz się angielskiego?
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How long have you been learning English?
Tim wciąż ogląda telewizję. Cały dzień ogląda telewizję
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Tim is still watching television. He's been watching television all day
Gdzie byłeś? Szukałem cię przez ostatnie pół godziny
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Where have you been? I've been looking for you for the last half hour
Cris ostatnio nie czuje się dobrze
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Cris hasn't been feeling well recently
Debbie jest bardzo dobrą tenisistką. Gra, odkąd skończyła osiem lat
... for actions repeated over a period of time
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Debbie is a very good tennis player. She's been playing since she was eight
... for actions repeated over a period of time
Każdego ranka spotykają się w tej samej kafejce. Byli tam od lat
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Every morning they meet in the same cafe. They've been going there for years
Nie przeszkadzaj mi teraz. Pracuję.
present continuous
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Don't disturb me now. I'm working.
present continuous
Ciężko pracowałem. Teraz będę miał przerwę
present perfect continuous
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I've been working hard. Now I'm going to have break
present perfect continuous
Potrzebujemy parasola. Pada deszcz
present continuous
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We need an umbrella. It's raining
present continuous
Ziemia jest mokra. Padało
present perfect continuous
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The ground is wet. It's been raining
present perfect continuous
Pośpiesz się! Czekamy
present continuous
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Hurry up! We're waiting
present continuous
Czekaliśmy godzinę
present perfect continuous
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We've been waiting for an hour
present perfect continuous
Ubrania Kate są pokryte farbą. Maluje sufit.
Present perfect continuous
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Kate's clothes are covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling.
Present perfect continuous and simple.
Sufit był biały. Teraz jest niebieski. Malowała sufit.
Present perfect simple
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The ceiling was white. Now it is blue. She has painted the ceiling.
Present perfect simple
Ręce mam bardzo brudne, naprawiam samochód
Present perfect continuous
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My hands are very dirty, I've been repairing the car
Present perfect continuous
Samochód znowu jest OK. Naprawiłem go
Present Perfect
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The car is OK again now. I've repaired it.
Present Perfect
Joe ostatnio za dużo jadł
Present perfect continuous
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Joe has been eating too much recently
Present perfect continuous
Ktoś zjadł wszystkie moje czekoladki
Present Perfect
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Somebody has eaten all my chocolates
Present Perfect
Miło cię znowu widzieć. Co robiłeś od naszego ostatniego spotkania?
Present perfect continuous
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It's nice to see you again. What have you been doing since we last met?
Present perfect continuous
Gdzie jest książka, którą ci dałem? Co z nią zrobiłeś?
Present Perfect
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Where's the book I gave you? What have you done with it?
Present Perfect
Gdzie byłeś? Czy grałeś w tenisa?
Present perfect continuous
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Where have you been? Have you been playing tennis?
Present perfect continuous
Czy kiedykolwiek grałeś w tenisa?
Present Perfect
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Have you ever played tennis?
Present Perfect
Jak długo czytasz tę książkę?
Present perfect continuous: to say how long
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How long have you been reading that book?
to say how long
Ile z tej książki przeczytałeś?
Present Perfect: to say how much
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How much of that book have you read?
to say how much
Lisa nadal pisze listy, pisze listy cały dzień
to say how long
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Lisa is still writing letters, She's been writing letters all day
Lisa napisała dziś dziesięć listów
to say how many
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Lisa has written ten letters today
to say how many
Grają w tenisa od drugiej
to say how long
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They've been playing tennis since 2 o'clock
to say how long
W tym tygodniu grali w tenisa trzy razy
to say how many times
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They've played tennis three times this week
to say how many times
Uczę się hiszpańskiego, ale nie uczę się go zbyt długo
to say how long
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I'm learning spanish, but I haven't been learning it very long
to say how long
Uczę się hiszpańskiego, ale jeszcze niewiele się nauczyłem
to say how much
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I'm learning spanish, but I haven't learnt very much yet
to say how much
Wiem o tym od dawna
know/like/believe are not normally used in the past perfect continious
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I've known about it for a long time
know/like/believe are not normally used in the past perfect continious
Chciałem zadzwonić do Jane
want and mean in the present past continuous
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I've been meaning to phone Jane
want and mean in the present past continuous

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