
 0    11 schede    kacperabramczyk9
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hello I am one of organizers advertising campaign school shop in our school and I want encourage you to join to our campaign
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in our shop is large assortment we have other snack and we have some fit dish such as sandwich with fresh vegetables
asortyment dodatek
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we have just heat dish that is students can eat if we thay have long lesson
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we are planing add advertisment to local newspaper and doing podcast in radio
promocje dostatek
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we can also give away leaflets and hang poster
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we want support own school shop in to way at first we want collect products and at second we want bring customers to his
wsparcie dodatek
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we want also employ that is he distribute goods
sposoby dotarcia
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that is student hear about school shop we want hang a notice in school notice board
sposoby dotarcia dodatek
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we can also walk around the classes and encourage students to shopping in our school shop
nie sprzedaje
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our shop doesn't sell this things because we still work on assortment
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I things that this a great idea because more student can hear about our shop

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