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Na początek
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For a start
Przede wszystkim
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First of all
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What's more
Możesz mi coś doradzić?
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Could you give me some advice?
Co mi radzisz?
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What's your advice?
Co twoim zdaniem powinienem zrobić?
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What do you think I should do?
Czy powinienem
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Should I...?
Myślisz, że... to dobry pomysł?
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Do you think it's a good idea to...?
Na twoim miejscu
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If I were you, I'd
Myślę, że powinieneś
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I think you should
Sądzę, że dobrym pomysłem jest...
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I think it's a good idea to...
Najlepiej będzie, jeśli...
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The best thing to do is...
A może byś...?
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Why dont you...?
A może byśmy...?
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Why dont we...?
A gdyby tak...?
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How about...?
A może moglibyśmy...
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Perhaps we could...
Pomyślałem, że moglibyśmy...
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I thought we could...
Mam pomysł...
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Here's an idea...
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Good thinking
Dobry pomysł!
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That's a good idea!
To dobry pomysł.
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That sounds like a good plan
Dobrze, to mi odpowiada
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Okay, that suits me
Nie mam nic przeciwko
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That's fine by me
Nie jestem przekonany
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I'm not convinced
Nie sądzę żeby to sie udało
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I don't think that will work.
Myślę że jest bardzo mało prawdopodobne, że...
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I think it's highly unlikely that...

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