Monika 1st June (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Mówię do ciebie.
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I'm talking to you.
to talk TO sb / to speak TO sb
Patrzę na ciebie.
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I'm looking at you.
to look AT sb / sth
Popatrz na mnie.
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Look at me.
szukać czegoś / czegoś
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to look for sth/sb
Szukam mojego telefonu.
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I'm looking for my phone.
Patrzę na mój telefon.
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I'm looking at my phone.
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Co teraz robisz?
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What are you doing now?
Słucham ciebie.
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I'm listening TO you.
Teraz słucham muzyki.
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I'm listening to music now.
Posłuchaj mnie.
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Listen to me.
Słuchasz mnie teraz.
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You are listening to me now.
jeszcze jeden
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one more
Oskar jest w szkole.
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Oskar is at school.
w pracy
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at work
Myślę, że Oskar się teraz uczy.
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I think Oskar is learning now.
Julka jest w szkole.
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Julka is at school.
Myślę, że teraz skacze na trampolinie.
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I think she is jumping on the trampoline now.
na stole
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on the table
Mój klucz leży na stole.
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My KEY is on the table.
na ekranie
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on the screen
w telewizji
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on tv
na plaży
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on the beach
Mieszkam w Warszawie.
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I live in Warsaw.
On jest nauczycielem.
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He is a teacher.
Jestem prawnikiem.
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I'm a lawyer.
Jesteś nauczycielem.
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You are a teacher.
On jest lekarzem.
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He is a doctor.
Ona jest szczęśliwa.
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She is happy.
Czy on jest nauczycielem?
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Is he a teacher?
Ona jest młoda.
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She is young.
Ona nie jest młoda.
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She isn't young.
Czy ona jest młoda?
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Is she young?
Mieszkam w Warszawie.
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I live in Warsaw.
Nie mieszkam w Berlinie.
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I don't live in Berlin.
Czy mieszkasz w Niemczech?
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Do you live in Germany?
Czy mówisz po polsku?
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Do you speak Polish?

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