Money vocab 1

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skrajna bieda (terrible poverty)
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abject poverty
zalegać z czymś (not to do/produce/pay sth in time)
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to be/fall behind with sth
kapitał (the amount of money you need to start a business)
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blisko (nearly; used with verbs cost, charge, buy, spend, sell, invest etc)
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close on
podrabiane pieniądze (false money)
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counterfeit money
ekonomiczny (related to a country's economy)
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ekonomiczny (cheap to use)
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ekonomia (a country's financial framework)
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(the) economy
tani (cheap)
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żyć od pierwszego do pierwszego (to earn just enough money to survive)
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to eke out a living
eksluzywny (so expensive that very few people can afford to go to/use/buy
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ekstrawagancki (spending more money than you can afford)
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finansować (funds/capital, to provide funds/capital
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finansowy (related to government or public money, especially taxes)
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zadłużony (to owe sb/an institution a lot of money)
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to be heavily in debt
faktura (a bill sent to you by a company to tell you how much you owe for sth that you have bought)
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an invoice
ledwo ciągnąć (to barely manage financially)
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to live from hand to mouth
życie w dostatku (to have lots of money and lead z very comfortable life)
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to live in the lap of luxury
jakoś ciągnąć (to manage financially)
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to make ends meet
zaległy dług (a debt that you have not paid)
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an outstanding debt
mieć debet (to be in debt to the bank bc you have spent more money than you have in your account)
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to be overdraft
spłacić długi/zaległości (to pay the money you owe)
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to pay off/clear your debts
zarabiać grosze ((to earn) very low salary)
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(to earn) a pittance
zamożny (rich, wealthy)
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zwrot z investycji (the profit one makes on an investment)
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return on an investment
kąpać się w pieniądzach ((informal) to be very rich)
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to be rolling in it
tantiemy (the money a writer/musican receives annually from the sales the sales of their book(s)/music)
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oszczędzać (to save as much money as you can, even though you earn very little)
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to scrimp and save
(...) kwota pieniędzy (an amount of money)
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a (large/small/considerable) sum of money
zacisnąć pasa ((informal) to try to spend less than usual)
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to tighten one's belt
skąpy, dusigrosz (to be mean, to dislike spending money)
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to be tight-fisted
kitrać, kolekcjonować (to store sth valuable)
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to have sth tucked away
zysk (the amount of money earned by a business during a particular period of time)
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the turnover
nadziany ((informal) rich and often belonging to a high social class)
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zamożny ((informal) rich)
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nagły przypływ gotówki (a large amount of money you receive unexpectedly)
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a windfall

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