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otwarte caly czas
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twenty four seven
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get the boll rolling, lets start now
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take it easy, gona take itveaay
przespij sie z tym
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sleep on it, I gone sleep on it
jestem spłukana
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I'm broke
spotkanie jest dokładnie o 7
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the meeting is at 7 sharp
znam go jak wlasna kiedzen
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I know him like the back of my hand
pomoz mi
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give me a hand, lent me a hand
od wiekow
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in ages
mam dosc
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sick and tired
nie rozumiem
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I didint catch any of that; I didnt get any of that
bez znaczenia, bez preferencji
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not fussed, nir bothered
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fair enough
sugeruje, dlaczego nie
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I suppose so
przykro mi
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I'm afraid
nie do zaakceptowania
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turn down on offer, an invitatio, an opportunity
tak trzymaj zachecic
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keep at it encourage, keep going
powiedz co sie stalo
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fill me in at the last meeting
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to be tied
skonczylo sie
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run out of money, food, beer
na wynos
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take out

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