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mam na imięHanka
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my name is Hanka
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I am 58 years old
jestem z Wrocławia
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I'm from Wroclaw
jestem turystką
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I'm a tourist
jestem dentystką
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I'm a dentist
mój mąż jest inżynierem
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my husband is an engineer
moja siostra jest dentystką
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my sister is a dentist
mój ulubiony kolor jest niebieski
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my favorite color is blue
interesuję się kinem
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interested in cinema
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Im working
on czyta gazetę
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he's reading a newspaper
ona je
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she is eating
my mamy obiad teraz
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we have dinner now
oni grają w piłkę nożną
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They playing football
pogoda jest ładna
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the weather is nice
czy możesz wyłączyć telewizor
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can you turn off the TV
on czeka na autobus
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he is waiting for a bus
ona czeka na pociąg
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she is waiting for a train
my czekamy na metro
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we are waiting for a subway
oni czekają na łódź
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they are waiting for a boat
my czekamy na łódź ratunkową
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we are waiting for a lifeboat
on czeka na mnie
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He is waiting for me
ona czeka na niego
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she is waiting for him
oni czekają na nas
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they are waiting for us
my czekamy na was
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we are waiting for you
my czekamy na ciebie
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we are waiting for you
co oni robią
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what are they doing
co wy robicie
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what are you doing
co ona robi
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what is she doing
co on robi
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what is he doing
co ty robisz teraz?
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What are you doing now?
dokąd ona idzie?
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where is she going?
ona idzie do kina
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she is going to the cinema
wy idziecie do restauracji
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you are going to the restaurant
my idziemy do baru
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we are going to the bar
one idą do szpitala
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they go to the hospital
ona idzie do sklepu
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she is going to the shop
on idzie do hotelu
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he is going to the hotel
my idziemy na plażę
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we are going to the beach
oni nie idą do przyjaciół
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They are not going to friends
możesz mi powiedzieć która jest godzina
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you can tell me what time it is
możesz mi pomóc
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can you help me
co robisz? (w tej chwili)
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what are you doing? (At the moment)
co robisz? (generalnie)
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what are you doing? (Generally)
ona nie pije kawy
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she is not drinking coffe
wierz mi
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believe me
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I m
ja mogę
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I can
ja powinnam
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I should
ja muszę to zrobić
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I have to do it
ja muszę
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I must
ja muszę iść
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I must go
ja byłam w domu
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I was at home
ty byłeś chory
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you were sick
my byliśmy tutaj
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we were here
wy byliście głodni
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you were hungry
oni byli biedni
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They were poor
ty nie byłeś tam
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you were not there
ona nie była ostrożna
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she was not careful
on nie był w stanie wrócić
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he was not able to come back
wy nie byliście spóźnieni
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you were not late
oni nie byli przyjaciółmi
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They were not friends
czy oni byli wczoraj w kinie?
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Were they at the cinema yesterday?
czy my byliśmy tutaj
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were we here
czy wy byliście w kinie
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have you been in the cinema?
czy ja byłam niegrzeczna
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Was I naughty?
czy ty byłeś w domu?
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Were you at home?
czy ona była szczęśliwa?
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Was she happy?
czy on był wczoraj w bibliotece
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was he in the library yesterday
ja nie byłam w kinie
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I was not at the cinema
ty nie byłeś tam
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you were not there
my nie byliśmy wczoraj w hotelu
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we were not here yesterday
gdzie jest mój hotel
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where is my hotel
gdzie jest hotel Guliwer
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where is the Gulliver Hotel
wczoraj byłam w kinie
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I was at the cinema yesterday

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