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someone who climbs mountains as a sport
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a sports competition in which competitors run, swim, and cycle long distances
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to succeed in climbing to the top of a mountain
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a person, experience, place etc. that gives you new ideas for something to do
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your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class
spark a debate
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to be the cause of a debate
drop somebody off
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to take someone or something to a place by car and leave them there on your way to another place
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if you assemble a large number of people or things, or if they assemble, they are gathered together in one place, often for a particular purpose
refer to somebody
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to mention or speak about somebody
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to consist of particular parts, groups etc.
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a woman who is married to your father but who is not your mother
be on track
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to be likely to achieve the result you want
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a large mass of land surrounded by sea
double life
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if someone lives a double life, they deceive people by having two separate homes, families, or sets of activities, one of which they keep secret
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having a very strong effect or felt very strongly
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a gas that has no colour or smell, is present in air, and is necessary for most animals and plants to live.
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to pull something along the ground, often because it is too heavy to carry
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the hard area or road between your house and the street
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if things litter an area, there are a lot of them in that place, scattered in an untidy way
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an exciting experience or journey on which dangerous or unusual things happen
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set of equipment or tools you need for a particular activity
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someone who competes in a race
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a period of 10 years
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a particular type of welcome for someone, or particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etc.
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done alone without anyone else helping you
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someone who works on a ship
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the world
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a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a long time
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a child who does not yet go to school, or who goes to preschool
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the area around you or around a particular place, or the people who live there
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a bicycle with three wheels, especially for young children
diagnose somebody with
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to find out what illness someone has, or what the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations etc.
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a mental or physical illness which prevents part of your body from working properly
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if a part of your body is painful, it hurts
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the state of being unable to move or walk normally
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more than usual, too much
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a part of a cell in a living thing that controls what it looks like, how it grows, and how it develops. People get their genes from their parents.
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the top of a mountain
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to move your lips in the same way you do when you are saying words, but without making any sound
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unclear because someone does not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly what they mean
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trying extremely hard to achieve what you want
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the attitude or set of ideas that guides the behaviour of a person or organisation
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if a relationship or someone's attitude sours, it becomes unfriendly or unfavourable
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likely to cause death
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the situation or past events that explain why someone is like they are or why something happens in the way that it does
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a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed
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a strong desire or feeling of duty to do a particular kind of work, especially religious work
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a good and acceptable reason for doing something
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having no money
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to teach a child at a school, college, or university
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relating to education
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to make someone extremely afraid
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a feeling of extreme fear
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extremely frightening
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to become stronger or make something stronger
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the physical power and energy that makes someone strong
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having a lot of physical power so that you can life heavy things, do hard physical work
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if you are critical, you criticise someone or something
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to put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged or destroyed
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the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed
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able or likely to harm or kill you
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the red liquid that your heart pumps around your body
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someone who is dishonest and cheats
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knowledge or skill that you gain form doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this
be frozen
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to feel very cold
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the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other
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someone's ability to remember things, places, experiences etc.
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belonging to the present time or most recent time
in aid of
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in order to help
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a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy
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a common illness that makes you feel very tired and weak, gives you a sore throat, and makes you cough and have to clear your nose a lot
put to the test
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to test something
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dealing with danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidence
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having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you
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making you feel excited
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making you feel extremely tired
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good at doing something, especially something that needs special ability or training
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not willing to take risks
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to make someone feel calmer and less worried or frightened about a problem or situation
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something that is slippery is difficult to hold, walk on etc. because it is wet or greasy
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to deliberately pay no attention to something that you have been told or that you know about
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hats and other things that you wear on your head
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a set of bands used to hold someone in a place or to stop them from falling
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the sport of going down snow-covered hills on a snowboard
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the sport of running through city streets and jumping between buildings
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a chemical substance produced by your body that influences its growth, development, and condition
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a chemical produced by your body when you are afraid, angry or excited, which makes your heart beat faster
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used to emphasise the most important reason or fact about something, or a simple explanation of something
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the feeling of being excited about and interested in something
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causing damage to people or things
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willing to work very hard at something
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giving someone or something a lot of love and attention
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worried about something
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unhappy because you keep thinking about a problem, or about something bad that might happen
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not having courage or confidence
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feeling or showing a lot of interest an excitement about something
complain about
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to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someone
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not correct
insist on
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to say firmly and often that something is true, especially when other people think it may not be true
admit to
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to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right
be involved in
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to take part in an activity or event, or be connected with it in some way
prevent from
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to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something
rely on
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to trust or depend on someone or something to do that you need or expect them to do
congratulate somebody on
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to tell someone that you are happy because they have achieved something or because something nice has happened to them
back off
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to move backwards, away from someone or something
call off
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to decide that a planned even will not take place
go off
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to explode or fire
put off
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to delay doing something or to arrange to do something at a later time or date, especially because there is a problem or you do not want to do it now
see off
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to go to an airport, train station etc. to say goodbye to someone
tell off
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if someone in authority tells you off, they speak to you angrily about something wrong that you have done
wear off
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if pain or the effect of something wears off, it gradually stops
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a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water, for example because of heavy rain
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an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time
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someone who boxes, especially as a job
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continuing for a long period of time, or relating to what will happen in the distant future
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a woman who sails a yacht
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not afraid of anything
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a prime minister
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ground, roads, weather conditions etc. that are treacherous are particularly dangerous because you cannot see the dangers very easily
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often changing quickly from being in a good temper to being in a bad temper
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feeling unhappy because you are a long way from your home
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to be much taller than other people or things around you
strap yourself into
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to fasten something or someone in place with one or more steps
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a narrow bed that is attached to the wall, for example on a train or ship

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