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when someone performs a play or a piece of music
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an comedian, actor, musician etc. who performs to entertain people
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easy to notice or understand
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more than what was agreed or expected
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fairly large, especially large enough to have an effect or be important
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a group of people and animals who travel to different places performing skilful tricks as entertainment
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continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing
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a natural ability to do something
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a play, film, broadcast etc. that is produced for the public, or the process of producing it
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the written form of a speech, play, film etc.
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the scenery, furniture etc. used on a stage in a play or in the place where a film or television show is being made
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a picture showing an area of countryside or land
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writing and pictures painted on the walls of buildings, trains etc.
still life
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a picture of an arrangement of objects, for example flowers or fruit
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abstract paintings, designs etc. consist of shapes and patterns that do not look like real people or things
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a painting, drawing, or photograph of one person
on display
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something that is on display is in a public place where people can look at it
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a set of clothes worn by an actor or by someone to make them look like something such as an animal, famous person etc.
chat show
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a television or radio show on which people talk about themselves in reply to questions
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entertainment that is intended to make people laugh
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an occasion when there are performances of many films, plays, pieces of music etc., usually happening in the same place every year
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a place where an organised meeting, concert etc. takes place
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to stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age
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a show of paintings, photographs, or other objects that people can go to see
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the things that are inside a box, bag, room etc.
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to formally say or write a piece of information or your opinion
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something which is futuristic looks unusual and modern, as if it belongs in the future instead of the present
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extremely attractive or beautiful
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if two things contrast, the difference between them is very easy to see and is sometimes surprising
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a loose jacket or top made of soft material, which has a hood
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to write a piece of music
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if someone's behaviour is threatening, you believe they intend to harm you
be starving
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to be very hungry
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to join a line of people or vehicles waiting to do something
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the first public performance of a film, play or piece of music
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used to say that people or things do something or exist together at the same time.
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belonging to the present time
it's a shame
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used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed
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difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way
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a short performance by an actor, singer etc. that someone watches to judge if they are good enough to act in a play, sing in a concert etc.
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a book or film that is very popular and successful
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relating to selling goods to a particular small group of people who have similar needs, interests etc.
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using a system in which information is recorded or sent out electronically in the form of numbers, usually ones and zeros
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the right to enter a place, use something, see someone
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easy to obtain and use
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the feeling of being very worried about something
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the feeling of excitement and adventure that is related to a particular place, activity etc.
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romantic in inglese
beautiful in a way that affects your emotions and makes you think of love and adventure
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when you achieve what you want or intend
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achieving what you wanted, or having the effect or result you intended
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to decide which one of a number of things or people you want
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if you have a choice, you can choose between several things
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to amuse or interest people in a way that gives them pleasure
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things such as films, television, performances etc. that are intended to amuse or interest people
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to increase in amount, size, number, or strength
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an increase in amount, number, or size
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if someone produces a film or play, they find the money for it and control the way it is made
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to divide or split into different parts, or to make something do this
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when something separates or is separate
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to provide people with something that they need or want, especially regularly over a long period of time
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the amount of something that is available to be used
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to take photographs or make a film of something
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to share things among a group of people, especially in a planned way
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very much, hugely
tighten your grip on
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to control a place or situation more strictly
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a performance, sports game etc. for which all the tickets have been sold
at the expense of
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if something is done at the expense of someone or something else, it is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or thing
near miss
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a situation in which something almost happens, or someone almost achieves something
box office
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a place on a theatre, cinema etc. where tickets are sold
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when the media try to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot
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relating to the alphabet, in alphabetical order
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not liking changes or new ideas
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to decide that something that was officially planned will not happen
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to think that someone or something is good, right, or suitable
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the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services
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a choice you can make in a particular situation
raise your game
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if you raise your game, you improve the way you do something
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to promise to do something or to promise that something will happen
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to give someone great satisfaction and enjoyment
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used to talk about CD, internet files etc. when saying what type of equipment it can be played on
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a book, play, piece of music etc. that someone has written recently
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the general feeling or situation in a place at a particular time
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to make the picture of a film, photograph etc. appear in a larger form on a screen or flat surface
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the large, flat part of a television or computer where the picture or information appears
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to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes over a period of time
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a small picture of a person or animal that represents you on a computer screen, for example in some chat rooms or when you are playing games over the internet
get 1
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to understand something
get 2
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to persuade or force someone to do something
get 3
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to have, do, or experience something
get 4
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to change to a new feeling, situation, or state (to become)
get 5
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to travel somewhere on a train, bus etc.
get 6
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to receive something that someone give you or sends you
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a small, useful, and cleverly-designed machine or tool
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a board you stand on, like a skateboard, but which can stay up in the air
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a mixture of tar and very small stones, used for making the surface of roads
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a small round loaf of bread for one person
vacuum cleaner
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a machine that cleans floors by sucking up dirt
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if a new product is commercially available, you can buy it in shops
touchscreen technology
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technology which allows you to control a computer, or phone, by touching the screen
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books, films, stories etc. about imaginary people and events
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so surprising that it is difficult to believe
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very good especially in an unexpected way
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to say something will happen, before it happens
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to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details
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likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future
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a suggestion to someone that they should choose a particular thing or person that you think is very good
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to ask for information or advice from someone because it is their job to know something
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to become large in degree or range, or to make something do this
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quality that makes people like something or someone
raise concerns
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to begin to talk or write about worries that you want to be considered
pay your way
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if something pays its way, the money it saves over a period of time is as much as the product cost to buy
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to be more important or valuable than something else
stand-up comedy
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telling jokes in front of people as a job
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the short period of time between the parts of a play
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a set of television or radio programmes that have the same characters or deal with the same type of subject, and are usually broadcast every week or several times a week

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