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a small amount of food that is eaten between main meals or instead of a meal
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food grown and produced without using artificial chemicals
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if you are allergic to something, you do not like it and try to avoid it
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the food that a person or animal eats every day
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exact and correct, often in a way that seems unreasonable
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a chemical substance found in food that is necessary for good health
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a well-balanced meal or diet contains all the different things you need to keep you healthy
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a natural white mineral that is added to food to make it taste better or to preserve it
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not containing any dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese etc.
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a sweet sticky substance produced by bees
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a type of food, consisting of meat or vegetables in a spicy sauce
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a food that consists of small white or brown grains that you boil in water until they become soft enough to eat
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a common farm bird that is kept for its meat and eggs
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used to say that you do not like someone or something at all, or that you think that something is extremely unpleasant
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a small thin red or green pepper with a very strong hot taste
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a type of powder or seed, taken from plants, that you put into food you are cooking to give it a special taste
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the particular taste of food or drink
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if a substance is addictive, your body starts to need it regularly and you are unable to stop taking it
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in order to help improve, or please someone or something
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having a strong sharp taste
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a substance in tea, coffee, and some other drinks that makes you feel more active
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one of the foods that you use to make a particular dish
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the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society
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to bite food several times before swallowing it
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time when you are not working or studying and can relax and do things you enjoy
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the organ inside your head that controls how you think, feel, and move
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a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time, or these beliefs, customs etc. in general
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one of the long periods of time, thousands of years ago, when ice covered many northern countries
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happening often and to many people or in many places
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someone whose job is to make judgments about the good and bad qualities of art, music, films etc.
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a Greek food made from a soft mixture of chickpeas, oil, and garlic
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a meal that you buy from a restaurant to eat at home
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a reflective surface reflects light
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a glass container with a wide top and a lid, used for storing food such as jam or honey
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small bitter egg-shaped black or green fruit, used as food and for making oil
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a type of round green vegetable, which has buds with leaves that you eat, which are like the petals of a flower
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to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect
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to refuse to give someone sympathy, help, or support
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someone or something that is unaccompanied has no one with them
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to managed to find space for someone even though a place is full
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to make someone feel admiration and respect
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to look at something or someone for along time without moving your eyes
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money in the form of coins or notes rather than cheques, credit cards etc.
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if you strike up a conversation with someone, you to start talking to them
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a sweet food made form a mixture of cream, eggs, and fruit or chocolate, which is eaten cold
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also known as 'rocket' - a plant with green leaves and a strong taste, eaten raw in salads
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a leather-bound book is covered on the outside with leather
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if something is softish it is rather or quite soft
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if something is sickly-sweet it is unpleasantly sweet
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very rude and offensive to someone
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the stomach of a cow or pig, cooked and used as food
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a hot meal made by cooking meat and vegetables slowly in liquid for a long time
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the long tube in the body through which food passes after it leaves the stomach
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the organisations, such as television, radio, and newspapers, that provide news and entertainment for the public, or the people who do this work
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someone who competes in a contest
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the time when you are young or do not have much experience
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the process of printing a book, magazine etc. and offering it for sale
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wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much
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to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc. to be kept for you to use at a particular time in the future
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if someone makes a fuss they complain or become angry about something, especially when it is not necessary
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to make someone decide they do not like something
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to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
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to suddenly attack someone, using physical violence or unpleasant words
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a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion
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to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it
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a small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands to climb trees and lives in hot countries
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a thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together
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a marriage ceremony, especially one with a religious service
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a flat pale nut with brown skin that tastes sweet
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a date on which something special or important happened in a previous year
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very excited, happy and pleased
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a large formal party, especially a wedding, to celebrate an event or to welcome someone
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wanting to know about something
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to eat or drink something
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to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc. of something, without calculating it exactly
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behaving in an angry threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone
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the feeling than an event or place gives you
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a particular place, especially in relation to other areas, buildings etc.
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to stay away from someone or something, or not to use something
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something that is overpriced is more expensive than it should be
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to try to persuade something to do something by making it seem attractive
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shortened form of vegetarian
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stodgy food is heavy and makes you feel full very quickly
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food that is bland has very little taste
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the negative part or disadvantage of something
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used to emphasise that something, especially a large number, is actually true