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the process of doing something, especially in order to achieve a particular thing
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to tell the public about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it
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attractive or interesting
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an attitude that shows you think that someone or their behaviour, ideas etc are bad or not suitable
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dealing with danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidence
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a statement in which someone complains about something
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the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult
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probably not true or not likely to happen
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the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine, or part of a newspaper or magazine, and decides what should be included in it
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very large in amount, size, or number
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advice, criticism etc about how successful or useful something is
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the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone
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the group of people who govern a country or state
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the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report
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containing new and interesting ideas
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to be provided or designed for a particular purpose or person
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a single, usually short, piece of news in a newspaper or magazine, or on television
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very good, enjoyable, or unusual, and worth remembering
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to repair something that is broken or not working
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making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy
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completely new and different from anything that anyone has thought of before
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if you are passionate about something, you like it a lot
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a powerful person, organization, group etc is able to control and influence events and other people’s actions
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if something or someone is predictable, you know what will happen or what they will do – sometimes used to show disapproval
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the state of being able to be alone, and not seen or heard by other people
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a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens
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if you sense something, you feel that it exists or is true, without being told or having proof
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very good, successful, or impressive
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failing to make you believe that something is true or real
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a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way