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something that is believable can be believed because it seems possible, likely, or real
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a musical instrument like a long black tube, that you play by blowing into it and pressing keys to change the notes
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someone whose job is to tell jokes and make people laugh
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something you decide after considering all the information you have
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important political events or other events in society that are happening now
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the instructions given to the actors and other people working on a film, play etc
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a film or a television or radio programme that gives detailed information about a particular subject
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musical instruments made of skin stretched over a circular frame, played by hitting it with your hand or a stick
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the feeling you have when you are embarrassed
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someone who is paid to work for someone else
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a musical instrument like a thin pipe, that you play by holding it across your lips, blowing over a hole, and pressing down buttons with your fingers
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attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success
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a large musical instrument with strings that are stretched across a vertical frame with three corners, and that you play with your fingers
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someone who is illiterate has not learned to read or write
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not sensible or reasonable
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annoyed because of delays, someone else’s mistakes etc
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not sensible or possible for practical reasons
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causing problems, often in a way that is annoying
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not feeling at all confident about yourself, your abilities, or your relationships with people
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when someone performs a play or a piece of music
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an actor, musician etc who performs to entertain people
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someone who introduces the different parts of a television or radio show
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public respect and thanks for someone's work or achievements
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a curved musical instrument made of metal that you play by blowing into it and pressing buttons, especially in popular music and jazz
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if there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way
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a television or radio story about the daily lives and relationships of the same group of people, which is broadcast regularly
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a musical instrument that you blow into, which consists of a curved metal tube that is wide at the end, and three buttons you press to change the notes
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to think or guess that something is smaller, cheaper, easier etc than it really is
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not right or fair, especially because not everyone has an equal opportunity
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not in a good physical condition
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not good enough or not acceptable
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a small wooden musical instrument that you hold under your chin and play by pulling a bow (