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 0    12 schede    annatarnowska5
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Domanda English Risposta English
to put in the nutshell
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to give the main facts in the short, clear way
can't make head nor tail
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to fail to understand anything
to get the wrong end of stick
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to not understand situation
to get it straight from the horse's mouth
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to be told something by someone who has direct knowledge of it
to get straight to the point
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to talk about the post important thing
to be on the same wavelength
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to share similar opinions and ideas
to hear it on the grapevine
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to hear about something because the information has been passed from one person to another
to beat about the bush
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to delay talking about sth
to keep someone in the loop
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to include someone in group communication
to be like talking to a brick wall
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to try to communicate with an unresponsive person
to talk at cross-purposes
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to not understand someone
to put someone in the picture
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to give the latest information

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