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a good or useful feature that something has
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something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective
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in or to a foreign country
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part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical
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an idea, belief, or opinion
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the opinion that most people consider to be normal and right, but that is sometimes shown to be wrong
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extremely happy, lucky etc in a way that usually only happens in children’s stories
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a clear statement of what is needed or wanted
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to show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time
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to move smoothly over a surface while continuing to touch it, or to make something move in this way
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a large object filled with air, often shaped like a castle, that children jump on for fun
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a choice you can make in a particular situation
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to show something that is usually covered or hidden
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to make known something that was previously secret or unknown
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to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details
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to find out about something that has been kept secret
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a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people
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something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting
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to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved
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to tell or show what you are feeling or thinking by using words, looks, or actions
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to make a sound with your voice, especially with difficulty
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a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas
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one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc
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a solid substance such as wood, plastic, or metal
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one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc, especially one that is basic or important
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better, bigger, worse etc than all other things or people of the same kind
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relating to the most basic and important parts of something
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a large area that is different from other areas around it in some way
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a particular part of a country, town etc
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the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses
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the land or gardens surrounding a large building
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far from towns or other places where people live
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if you retrace your steps, you go back exactly the way you came
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when you are alone, especially when this is what you enjoy
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to repair a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again
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a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger
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to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something
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to have a particular quality or ability
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to tell someone that you will definitely do or provide something or that something will happen
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an irritating habit, situation etc keeps annoying you
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if a machine whines, it makes a continuous high sound
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to make a long high sound
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a piece of equipment that makes very loud warning sounds, used on police cars, fire engines etc
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to move slowly along while making a series of long low sounds
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your stomach or the deep part of something
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atmosphere created by sound
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the way you think about something and your idea of what it is like
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full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive
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a continuous noise like the sound of a bee
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something that consists of or comes from a mixture of two or more other things
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to surprise someone by walking up behind them silently
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not knowing that something bad is happening or going to happen
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someone who is walking, especially along a street or other place used by cars
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a person or animal that lives in a particular place
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relating to sound and the way people hear things
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a group of vehicles that are controlled by one company
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if a bird or insect chirps, it makes short high sounds
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a small brown bird, very common in many parts of the world
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to breathe in and out making a long sound, especially because you are bored, disappointed, tired etc
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to laugh quickly, quietly, and in a high voice, because something is funny or because you are nervous or embarrassed
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a very young child who is just learning to walk
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the low part at the edge of a road where water collects and flows away
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a feeling of extreme unhappiness
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when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound or series of sounds
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to hit your hands against each other many times to make a sound that shows your approval, agreement, or enjoyment
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to suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, often repeatedly
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to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed, or because something is very enjoyable
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if a cat purrs, it makes a soft low sound in its throat to show that it is pleased
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a deep, loud noise made by an animal such as a lion, or by someone’s voice
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to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasant
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to speak with difficulty because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first consonant of some words
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if your voice trembles, it sounds nervous and unsteady
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an act or sound of sighing
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a performance of music or poetry, usually given by one performer
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a fine powder produced by flowers, which is carried by the wind or by insects to other flowers of the same type, making them produce seeds
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a continuous loud noise, especially made by a machine or a strong wind
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to say something quickly in a loud voice
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to make a sudden sound like someone coughing
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if a machine stutters, it keeps making little noises and does not work smoothly
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if an engine or machine cuts out, it suddenly stops working
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if you are baffled, you cannot understand or explain something
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having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize
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something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do
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a special advantage that is given only to one person or group of people:
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a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time
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to learn words, music etc so that you know them perfectly
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to suggest that something is true, without saying this directly
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one of the tubes that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body
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one of the tubes which carries blood to your heart from other parts of your body
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the smallest type of blood vessel
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something that is easy to recognize, such as a tall tree or building, and that helps you know where you are
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someone who is likely to do a particular thing or achieve a particular position
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to tell someone a series or list of things
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to tell a story by describing all the events in order, for example in a book
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if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you or is done to you
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ordinary people, as compared with people who are more important, more powerful, or more skilled – used humorously
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the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies
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the science that studies the way in which the bodies of living things work
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to clearly show a particular quality, emotion, or ability
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someone or something that has won a competition, especially in sport
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relating to the position, size, shape etc of things
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a group of things of the same kind that are very close together
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the science or job of planning which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another
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thorough, complete, and considering all the details
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an attempt to achieve or obtain something
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if you replicate someone’s work, a scientific study etc, you do it again, or try to get the same result again
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existing only in a particular place or in relation to a particular person or people
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if a quality sets someone or something apart, it makes them different from or better than other people or things
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more than a little but not very
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if you are in awe of somebody, you admire them and have great respect for them and sometimes a slight fear of them
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if you fare well or badly you are successful, unsuccessful etc
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something that you think is very wrong
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if you ply your trade, you work at your business, especially buying and selling things on the street
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to exist in very large numbers
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extremely hurried and using a lot of energy, but not very organized
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a large network of paths or passages which cross each other, making it very difficult to find your way
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to call to someone in order to greet them or try to attract their attention
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to show a lot of a particular quality or feeling
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a book or list of names, facts etc, usually arranged in alphabetical order
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spending a lot of time studying and reading
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unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way
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very shocked and upset by something very bad or unpleasant
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remarks that say what you think is bad about someone or something
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a good and acceptable reason for doing something
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the lack of something or the fact that it does not exist
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not at all interesting or exciting
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a strong fear of being in a small enclosed space or in a situation that limits what you can do
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a small job that you have to do regularly, especially work that you do to keep a house clean
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if you get rid of something, you throw it away or destroy it because you do not want it any more
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if something is world-renowned, it is known and admired around the world by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or quality
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a place that many people want to visit for a particular reason
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if a place, object, or organization boasts something, it has something that is very good
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very famous or popular, thought to be representative of particular ideas or a particular time
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if something or someone is endowed with something, they naturally have a good feature or quality
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something or someone that is useful because they help you succeed or deal with problems
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a small design that is the official sign of a company or organization
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a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used in advertisements, or by politicians, organizations etc
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a law made by a local government that people in that area must obey
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skill in a particular artistic activity
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special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training
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a dress code is set of rules about what to wear
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to hold a group discussion in order to get ideas
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a radio programme that can be downloaded from the Internet
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an area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city
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urban renewal is when the poor areas of towns are improved by making new jobs, industries, homes etc
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the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs in order to work properly, for example roads, railways, banks etc
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to make someone less confident or less willing to do something
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a simple, quickly made drawing that does not show much detail
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positive and making you feel that good things will happen
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rude, humorous, or political writing and pictures on the walls of buildings, trains etc
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the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something
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the bottom side or surface of something