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Domanda Risposta
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wprowadzić coś w życie
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to put sth in practice
na strychu
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in the attic
podjąć decyzję to make up your mind
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make a decision to make up your mind
pomysł wpadł mi do glowy
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An idea popped into my head
jasne jak słońce
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crystal clear
jestem wykończony
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I'm knackered!
Wiesz o czym mówisz Francois!!!
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You know your onions Francois
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an advert
ask for information from someone
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he enquired about cottages for sale
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in person
Doceniam to!
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to appreciate
I appreciate it!
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a deposit
opłata za kurs
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a course fee
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a campervan
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overwhelming (his party won overwhelming support)
wybić kogoś z codziennej wygody
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knock someone out of everyday comfort
przezwyciężyć słabości
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overcome your weaknesses
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to notice sth
it's quite easy
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it's relatively easy
utrzymywać kontakty towarzyskie
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to socialise
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niewygodny (niewygodne pytania)
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awkward (some awkward questions)
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wypełniać formularz
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to fill in a form
kaucja bezzwrotna
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a non-refundable deposit
promocja 2 za 1
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a two-for-one deal
inspirować kogoś
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to inspire sb
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gałąź drzewa
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a branch
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przemoc domowa
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domestic violence
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środowisko wiejski
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rural environment
problemy gospodarcze
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eceonomic problems
problem na skale swiatową
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a global issue
problemy miejskie
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urban problems
obszar przemysłowy
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an industrial area
ostrożny człowiek
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a cautious man
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szczery/ prawdziwy
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współczujący/ empatyczny
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godny zaufania
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Jestem towarzyski, ale to nie znaczy, że mam stale ochotę na imprezy.
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I'm sociable, but it doesn't mean I want to party all the time.
Mieś doskonałą wiedzę na jakiś temat (idiom)
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I know it inside out
Trzymać się mocno czegoś
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to hold firmly to sth
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a napkin
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Ważny/ znaczący
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Hydraulik naprawił zepsutą spłuczkę.
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to mend
The plumber fixed the broken flush.
(uzupełnij zdanie) It was an eye-
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opening experience
Zbierać pieniądze na cel charytatywny
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to raise money for charity
Zbierać (past form) np. pieniadze
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Nie mogę się doczekać naszego spotkania
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I look forward to our meeting
Wskazania jak postępować
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Opór/ Ruch Oporu
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resistance/ the Resistance
Hej to do mnie przemawia!
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It appeals to me!
Zapobiegać przestępczości
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to prevent crime
Srodek odstraszający
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a deterrent
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the authorities
Monitorować/ sledzieć
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to monitor
Kuchenka to sprzęt gospodarstwa domowego.
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an appliance
A cooker is a household appliance.
Sledzieć na bieżąco
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to keep track of sth
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to identify
Nadzór (np. Kamery na ulicy)
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Wzrost przestępczości
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a surge in crime
Umieszczać (similar to ‘put’)
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to place sth
To check out sb’s background
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to vet sb
To give sth for free
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to donate sth
To promise to give money/ zaoferować
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to pledge money
To do sth at the same speed as others
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to keep up with sb
Jednorazowa oferta
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a one-off deal
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Rzeczownik od ‘to prevent’
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Rzeczownik od ‘to recognize’
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Oceniać coś (wykonanie pracę)
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to assess your work
Miejsce twojego pobytu
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your whereabouts
Popełniać przestępstwo
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to commit a crime
Wyrywkowa kontrola (policyjna)
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a spot check
Przeprowadzać badanie
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do research
Badanie (also research)
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a study
Pewność siebie
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Niepokojące informacje
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disturbing information
Nietyczne zagranie
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unethical behaviour
Zgodnie z tym co mówi Jędrzej
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According to Jędrzej...
Najwyraźniej Jędzrzej ma rację
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Apparently, Jędrzej is right!
O ile wiem Jędrzej ma zawsze rację
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As far as I know Jedrzej.......
Rozsądny gość
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a reasonable bloke
To niedopomyślenie!
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It’s outrageous!
Be over the moon
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to be very pleased
Be down in the dumps
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Blow your top
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to become extremely angry
Be on edge
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nervous and not relaxed
It gets on my nerves
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it makes me upset
To be green with envy
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wishing very much that you had what someone else has
To lose your face
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to do something that makes other people stop trusting you
Tear your hair out
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If you tear your hair out over a problem you are worrying a lot about it
Wyrywać irr., rozdzierać = to rip
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tear tore torn
To be in two minds about sth
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to have doubts with regard to sth
Very happy with sth
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to be content with
Rozczarowany/ disappointed
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Irritated/ annoyed
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Była tak niezdecydowana, że było dla niej prawie niemożliwe wybranie, co zjeść na obiad.
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She was so indecisive, she found it almost impossible to choose what to have for dinner.
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very shocked or surprised/ breathtaken
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to be stunned
cheerful (about a sitation or how a pearosn is feeling)
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to feel upbeat/ to be upbeat
martwić się nadmiernie (too concerned)
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to be overly concerned
zbyt zależny
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overly dependent
to nie jest ani żółte ani zielone
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it’s neither yellow nor green
przebity pępek
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pierced belly button
to mnie ‘rusza’
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it turns me on!
Młotek drewniany
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a mallet
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a mace
Spray pieprzowy
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a mace spray
Uspokój się/ idiom
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keep your hair on!
NIe denerwuj się/ when something gets on your nerves
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Don’t get your knicker’s in a twist
Pospiesz się/ idiom
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we haven’t got all day!
Rusz się!/ Idiom
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get a move on!
Przyłóż się do roboty!
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Pull your finger out!
idiom zrobię to bardzo szybko
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I’ll be as quick as a flash
szybkie rozwiązanie/ idiom
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a quick fix
Demonstrować przeciwko Dudzie
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to protest against Duda
Pójść na demonstrację
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to go on a demonstration
Marsz równości
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The Equality MARCH
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a rally
Zorganizować wiec
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to hold a rally
Nieść tabliczki z hasłami
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to hold up placards
Wykszykiwać hasła
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to shout slogans
Hasło (protestacyjne)
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Podpisać petycję
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to sign a petytion
Wprowadzono cenzurę, by zapobiec rozprzestrzenianiu się plotek.
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Censorship was imposed to stop rumours being spread.
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Nierówność ze względu na płeć
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gender inequality
Globalne ocieplenie
Efekt cieplarniany jest odpowiedzialny za globalne ocieplenie.
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global warming
Greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming.
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Czy znasz aktualny wskaźnik bezrobocia?
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Do you know the present unemployment rate?
Prowadzić kampanie na rzecz...
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to campaign for human rights
postawić się (popierać)
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to stand up for your rights
Debata polityczna
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a political debate
Koncert benfitowy
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a benefit concert
Mowa w parlamencie
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a speech in parliament
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a shuttle
Zbierać próbki
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to collect samples
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a vessel
Panorama miasta
Panorama miasta to połączenie nowego i starego
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city skyline
the city skyline is a wonderful mix of old and new
Brukowane uliczki
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cobbled streets
Teren chroniony/ zabytkowy
stare miasto to teren zabytkowy
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a conservation area
The old town is a conservation area
Miasto ma dużo osobliwych starych budynków
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the town has a lot of quaint old buildings
Główna ulica
Główna ulica miasta ma drogie sklepy/ markowe
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the High Street
The High Street has a lot of upmarket shops
Drogi/ expensive
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Drożyzna/ za drogie
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it is overpriced
Stać w szergu
Na tej ulicy stoi szerg sklepów
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to line
Royal Avenue runs from north to south and is lined with shops
Żywy/ pełen ruchy
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a lively bar
Kafejki na ulicy
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pavement cafes
Obszar mieszkaniowy
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a residential area
Teren nieużytkowe/ pożucone
ten obszar jest pożucony
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an urban wasteland
this area is an urban wasteland and somewhat dangerous
Strefy do których lepiej nie chodzić
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a no-go area
Usiać/ rozrzucać
Ulice usiane są odpadkami
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to strew
Many streets are strewn with litter
Zruinowany np. budynek
Tam jest mnóstwo takich budynków
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a run-down building
there are numerous run-down buildings
Dymy fabryczne zanieczyszczają powietrze w naszym mieście.
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exhaust fumes
Factory fumes are contaminating the air in our town.
ciągły chałas ciężarówek
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the incessant roar of trucks
Cała jej rodzina mieszka w slumsach.
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shanty towns
Her entire family lives in the shanty town
they came here to ... shelter from biting winter winds
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seek sought sought
they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds
At the age of 17 she is already one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses
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Skóra (w szczególności przerobiona)
skóra zwierzęca
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animal hide
nie wydaje mi się
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I don't think so!
Mnie tez nie (np. wydaje się)
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me neither

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