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posunąć się do przodu. To progress or advance in some aspect of life.
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to get ahead
If this project goes well, it could really help me to get ahead at work. I'm finally getting ahead in life instead of throwing my money away on rent.
(figuratively) To avoid or bypass an obstacle.
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to get around
It'll be tricky, but we will find a way to GET AROUND the regulations.
(intransitive) Return to where one came from.
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to get back
When I get back from holiday, I expect the house to be tidy.
(transitive) To depress; discourage; fatigue.
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to get down
Nothing gets me down so much as a rainy day. The miserable weather in winter really GETS me DOWN.
rozweselić (się), rozchmurzyć (się)/rozweselić kogoś
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to cheer up
I cheered up after seeing the results. The arrival of the unexpected letter cheered him up almost immediately.

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