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uwolnić się, wyrwać się
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to break free
During the storm, the boat broke free from its moorings. To address the climate crisis, we need to break free of our addiction to fossil fuels. I'm starting to break free from the religious tradition I was raised in.
pogarszać się, upadać. (idiomatic) To worsen or degenerate.
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to go downhill
The service has gone downhill under the new owner. I had high hopes that the company would be able to turn a profit again, but everything went downhill when the CFO was arrested for tax evasion.
wielkie nadzieje. The optimistic belief that an aim or goal will be achieved.
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high hopes
We had high hopes for her. He had high hopes that the football game would be a ripsnorter, but it turned out to be a real snoozer.
(idiomatic, figurative, colloquial) A very basic or minimal level of intelligence.
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half a head/half a brain
Anyone with half a brain should have known what to do. Well, if he had half a brain, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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