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ująć, wyrazić słowami. To express using words, either written or spoken
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to put into words
I can't put into words what you mean to me.
przesadzić. (intransitive, idiomatic) To go too far; to exceed reasonable bounds.
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to go overboard
You can decorate the new room, but don't go overboard with surreal paintings.
(temporal location, idiomatic, informal) In the distant past; especially, at a time fondly remembered (the good old days)
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back in the day
Back in the day, we had an apartment with a swimming pool. Afros used to be hip back in the day.
lepiej dmuchać na zimne, strzeżonego Pan Bóg strzeże, lepiej zapobiegać niż leczyć
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better safe than sorry
być zdanym na łaskę kogoś, czegoś
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to be at the mercy of
we're still at the mercy of the weather.
pomiatać kimś, wchodzić na głowę. (idiomatic, transitive) To dominate, treat (someone) as inferior.
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to walk all over someone
You shouldn’t let him walk all over you like that. You will be walked all over. If you don't want to work at the weekend, say so - don't let the boss walk all over you.
łatwo z kimś wygrać, rozpykać kogoś
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to walk over.
Jones simply walked over Brown at billiards
łatwiej powiedzieć, niż zrobić
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easier said than done
"Why don't you just ask Simon to pay?" "That's easier said than done."
(figuratively, informal) A relationship in which there is very little or no sexual intercourse.
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a dead bedroom
pot. chodzić na paluszkach wokół kogoś, postępować z kimś jak z jajkiem. (idiomatic) To be overly careful in dealing with a person or situation because they get angry or offended very easily;
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to walk/be on eggshells
I was always on eggshells when my family came to stay. When he's tired we spend the day walking on eggshells as he becomes stubborn and grumpy.
trzymać kogoś w gotowości, nie dać czasu na luz. Active, alert, and focused.
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(keep) on (one's) toes
Having two kids under age five sure keeps me on my toes! This attorney is known for using really deceptive and underhanded tactics, so be on your toes. They do random checks to keep workers on their toes.
w zamian za
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in exchange for
They were given food and shelter in exchange for work. They pleaded guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence.

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