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przejść do sedna sprawy
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come/get (straight) to the point
Stop avoiding the issue and come to the point! Let me get straight to the point. I don’t think you’ll pass this exam unless you work harder.
przywiązywać wagę, uznać za istotne. o consider something important or especially relevant. Often used with modifiers such as "much," "a lot of," etc.
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to give (something) weight
Because you're a mentor here, your students are going to give your opinion a lot of weight. I generally don't give "miraculous" scientific discoveries weight—and I suggest you don't either.
cofnąć czas, cofnąć się w czasie. Literally, to physically return to an earlier point in time.
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to go back in time
I wish I could go back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth—how cool would that be?
To discuss or think about past events or memories.
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to go back in time
It was lovely finding our old photo albums and going back in time for a few hours. Today, kids, we're going back in time and discussing the Great Depression.
(idiomatic, mildly blasphemous, dated) Expression of surprise, outrage, or horror.
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good God
I know you've had a long day at work, but good God, is it too much to ask for you to take out the trash?
sezon ogórkowy. (idiomatic, journalism) A period, usually during the summertime, when news media tend to place increased emphasis on reporting light-hearted, offbeat, or bizarre stories.
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a silly season. a gooseberry season (stare)

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