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wycofać się z wcześniej obiecanej, zaplanowanej rzeczy. to decide not to do something that you had said you would do
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to back out (of)
You agreed to come. You can't back out now! They backed out of the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract. She backed out of organizing the fund-raising.
Popierać, wspierać
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to back up
My family backed me up throughout the court case. The government has agreed to back its allies up in the war.
rozwijać się, nabudowywać, powiększać, kumulować się (intransitive, transitive, idiomatic) To accumulate: to increase incrementally or continually.
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to build up
Ever since the secretary left, the letters in my inbox have started to build up. We tried to build his confidence up. She does exercises daily to build up her strength. I've been putting $50 aside every month in an attempt to build up my savings.
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to build up
I wonder if you'd have less back pain if you built your core up. I'm trying to build up my leg muscles so that I can run even faster. They had to build up their fortress to protect against attack.
(intransitive) To faint; to become unconscious.
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to pass out
I pass out at the sight of blood. I passed out on the train after drinking a bottle of vodka.
(slang) To fall asleep, usually as a result of drunkenness or the consumption of drugs.
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to pass out

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