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to leave someone by walking away from them, especially in a rude or angry way He walked off without an explanation. inizia ad imparare
to make someone or something fall to the ground by pushing them to make someone or something fall to the ground by pushing them inizia ad imparare
To assist someone in rising or standing up from something, such as a chair. "Help me up," said grandpa to his grandson. inizia ad imparare
to drag or haul someone or something upward or to an upright position. Jane had slipped down into the creek, so I reached down and pulled him up. inizia ad imparare
podciągnąć (kogoś) w górę, żeby wstał
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przytrzymać kogoś na ziemi
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podawać, oddawać (np. słuchawkę telefonu)
John had to catch up with his classmates after an illness. inizia ad imparare
to force someone or something to leave or stop doing something When he entered the house, his disciples asked him in private, “Why could we not drive the spirit out?” inizia ad imparare
wypędzać kogoś, wypierać kogoś (np. lokalny biznes)
an amount of money that you win or receive from someone unexpectedly How should workers use such time windfalls? inizia ad imparare
gratka, uśmiech szczęścia
free someone/something up to make someone or something available to be used for something or to do something: I hope my favourite writer will free his new book soon. She said she would free her new album up. inizia ad imparare
to officially record something: You should log everything he says. Her phone calls were logged. inizia ad imparare
a photographic copy of an early plan for a building or machine Their blueprint for economic reform was published yesterday. inizia ad imparare
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the process of evaluating risks before entering a business transaction, e.g. before acquiring a company The investigation was carried out with due diligence inizia ad imparare
I was offered a bonus for an employee referral. inizia ad imparare
1. skierowanie 2. polecenie (pracownika)
having good moral qualities and behaviour: He described them as virtuous and hard-working people. inizia ad imparare
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equality, especially of pay or position: disparity - nierówność Firefighters are demanding pay parity with police. inizia ad imparare
równość (np. pod względem płac czy stanowisk w pracy)
We run in-house courses for our staff. inizia ad imparare
w biurze, w firmie (na miejscu, np. praca)
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an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact. Edie came to a disturbing realization. inizia ad imparare
uświadomienie (sobie czegoś), zdanie sobie sprawy (z czegoś
dismiss (an idea or suggestion) as being foolish or impractical. Some seemingly reasonable people go on holiday and pooh-pooh the idea of wearing sunblock. inizia ad imparare
naśmiewać się, wyśmiewać, odrzucać z pogardą
a detail or small difference that is only obvious after careful thought: They spent a lot of time arguing about legal niceties. inizia ad imparare
Shock and awe (technically known as rapid dominance) is a military strategy based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight inizia ad imparare
If the police impound something that belongs to you, they take it away because you have broken the law: The vehicle was impounded by customs. inizia ad imparare
to become dry, smaller, and covered with lines as if by crushing or folding, or to make something do this The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops. inizia ad imparare
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fundusze, zasoby finansowe (oficjalnie)
involving a lot of excited movement or activity: After weeks of frenetic activity, the job was finally finished. inizia ad imparare
to move something, especially a liquid, with great force: The sea was churned up by heavy winds. inizia ad imparare
wzburzyć, zryć (np. wodę, powietrze, ziemię)
a record or count of a number of things: According to our tally, we spent less money than last month. inizia ad imparare
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1. swoboda, tolerancja 2. szerokość geograficzna
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nakaz lub postanowienie sądu
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ułaskawienie, zawieszenie (wyroku)
in a way that is wilful (= intentional, or determined to do as you want): Some basic safety rules were wilfully ignored. inizia ad imparare
an increase in power or importance: He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement is his motive. inizia ad imparare
experiencing or doing something that is difficult, unpleasant, or painful: Country is presently in the throes of the worst recession since the Second World War. inizia ad imparare
stan gwałtownych wyrzutów, bólu lub drgawek
to have difficult disagreements or strong arguments: The residents are still tussling over the ever-scarcer street parking. inizia ad imparare
to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily: We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September. inizia ad imparare
oddalać, chwilowo powstrzymywać (np. groźbę niebezpieczeństwa)
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przewracanie do góry nogami
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He got flak from his family inizia ad imparare
ogień krytyki, ostra krytyka
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oczyszczanie, przeprowadzanie czystki (np. w partii), czyszczenie, oczyszczanie (np. język)
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być przygrywką (większego i ważniejszego wydarzenia)
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