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przypominać, być podobnym (z charakteru lub wyglądu) do starszego członka swojej rodziny, zwłaszcza ojca lub matkę
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to take after
She takes after her grandmother with her wide eyes and quiet disposition. You take after your grandfather a lot in character.
Spoglądać w przyszłość/do przodu To think about and perhaps try to anticipate what may happen in the future.
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to look ahead
You should forget the past and look ahead. He will need to look ahead a few years if he wants to make realistic plans for his business. When you're making a big decision, try to look ahead and think about what will happen after you make that choice.
Spoglądać wstecz, wspominać. To reminisce about something that happened in the past.
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to look back (on)
I had a great childhood and look back on those days very fondly. It's easy to make judgments looking back at the past. Don't look back while you walk. When I look back, l'am amazed at all I have accomplished.
Wpaść, zajrzeć. To visit a place or person briefly and casually.
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to look in (on)
You might look in next time you're passing by. Since I'm going to be working late tonight, can you look in on my cat and see if she has enough food in her bowl? Can you look in on the kids before you go to bed?
Badać, sprawdzać, rozważać (idiomatic) To investigate, explore, or consider.
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to look into
If you are buying a new car, you might want to look into getting a hybrid or other high-efficiency vehicle. Police are looking into the disappearance of two children. We're looking into the possibility of merging the two departments.

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