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A horror film in which the central focus is on one or more monsters.
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a creature feature
I miss the creature features of the '50s and '60s. "Godzilla" is one of the classic creature features. It's a creature feature? I'll pass then—I'm not one for horror movies.
dowozić obietnicę. (idiomatic, informal) To do what was promised or expected.
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to deliver the goods
The government promised a lot, but failed to deliver the goods.
wysilić się. (idiomatic) To make a lot of effort with all one's resources.
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to dig deep
I was so exhausted when overtime started that I really had to dig deep to keep playing. I'm scared of roller coasters, so I really had to dig deep to go on that one with my friends.
czynić honory. To perform a task or duty of an official nature, often in a social setting. Sometimes used humorously.
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to do the honors/honor
Why don't you do the honors and greet people at the door? I'll take their coats. Joe, do the honors and cut me a slice of that pizza, will you?
(idiomatic, informal, derogatory) An overly or exaggeratedly dramatic person, especially a man or a boy.
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a drama king
(vulgar, derogatory or offensive, colloquial) A stupid person/adjective, rude slang Extremely stupid.
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(a) dumbshit
Listen, you dumbshit—I'm in charge here, so you better do what I say! I won't argue with you about this dumbshit idea for a second longer!
(idiomatic) A person who wakes early or arrives early, typically before most others.
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an early bird
kto rano wstaje, temu Pan Bóg daje (szerzej). Whoever arrives first has the best chance of success; some opportunities are available only to the first competitors.
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the early bird gets the worm
(idiomatic) A very remote place.
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edge of the earth/edge of the world

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