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wystrzelić, rozkręcić się, odnieść sukces, zwł. nagły. (intransitive) To become successful, to flourish.
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to take off
The business has really taken off this year and has made quite a profit. Her singing career had just begun to take off.
rozwadniać, chrzcić (alkohol)
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to water down. watered down
You need to water down the lemonade a bit more to make it less sweet, dear. Do bars actually water down beer on tap?
wzlecieć, wzbić się
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to take off
The plane took off at 8.30 a.m. The plane has been cleared to take off from runway 3.
wzbić się, wystartować (o rakietach, statkach kosmicznych). Leave the ground- rocket or spaceship.
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wzbić się, wystartować (o rakietach, sta ?
to lift off
5-4-3-2-1- we have LIFT-OFF!

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