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To take little to no productive action during a crisis. The phrase refers to the legend of the Roman Emperor Nero playing the lyre as Rome burned down.
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fiddle while Rome burns
He already has lung cancer at this point, so wouldn't giving up smoking now be like fiddling while Rome burns?
the result of where they were born or who their parents were
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accident of birth
I live here by choice rather than accident of birth. He owes his love of Africa to an accident of birth. Well, you can't choose your parents—that's an accident of birth.
Completely finished. (że skończyło się coś negatywnego, długiego, męczącego)
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all over
I just spent two hours in the dentist's chair. Thank God it's all over. We had a difficult time but it's all over now.
Completely finished. (że szkoda że tak). Implying loss or sadness.
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all over
It's all over—there's no way we'll score a goal to tie it in the last seconds. The party's all over now—people started leaving an hour ago. It's all over with me and Diane. We just fought too much.
everywhere in or on a place or an area
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all over
The baby got food all over her dress. People came from all over to hear her sing. She spilled milk all over.
used when speaking to mean "and other similar things"
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all that jazz
They sell televisions and radios and all that jazz. He went to school to study math and science and all that jazz.
o starej pannie (negatywnie)
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an ape leader
Well, I would rather be an ape leader than trapped in a loveless marriage, like you.

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