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 0    13 schede    jacekzalewski00
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beyond the grave
Do you think there's life beyond the grave?
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poza grobem
beyond one's purse
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poza zasięgiem finansowym
be beyond one's ken
She was convinced that there are supernatural happenings beyond our ken. Financial matters are beyond my ken, I'm afraid.
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nie mieścić się komuś w głowie
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reproach somebody
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robić komuś wyrzuty
beyond/ above reproach
Your behaviour today has been above reproach
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poza wszelkimi zarzutami
beyond measure
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ponad miarę
beyond redemption
If we don't act now, the entire health system will end up beyond redemption.
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nie do poprawy,
beyond a shadow of a doubt
He is responsible beyond a shadow of a doubt.
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bez cienia wątpliwości
beyond recall
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nie do odwołania
beyond the pale
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nie do przyjęcia
Where is the pale between honesty and meanness?
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ograniczenie, granica (np. poznania)
clamp up
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układać na stos, wrzucać na hałdę

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