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 0    13 schede    jacekzalewski00
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be under the impression
I was under the impression that admission was free
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mieć wrażenie
Our zoo offers free admission for families on Sundays.
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dostęp, wstęp (możliwość wejścia gdzieś)
feel under the weather
I feel under the weather, can you make me some hot tea?
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czuć się źle
be under the weather
She's under the weather, I think she has a fever.
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źle się czuć
under wraps
She was eating chocolate under wraps and that's why she wasn't losing weight.
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po kryjomu
under the counter
The kids managed to get cigarettes under the counter.
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nielegalnie, uzyskany w podejrzany sposób, zbyty w szemrany sposób
be under siege
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być atakowanym lub krytykowanym przez wielu ludzi
under the aegis of
The project was set up under the aegis of the university.
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pod egidą, po patronatem
under the cloud
Everything we do is under a cloud of suspicion," he said at one point.
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w cieniu podejrzeń
under the heel of somebody
This country would never submit to living under the heel of a foreign power
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pod czyjąś kontrolą, pod czyimś butem
under false pretences
He is said to gain money under false pretences.
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pod pretekstem, pod pozorem, podszywając się pod kogoś innego
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pozór, pretekst
get/go beyond a joke
I don't mind helping her out occasionally, but this is getting beyond a joke.
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stać się poważnym (np. o sytuacji)

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