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coś cię omija, przepuścić jakąś możliwość, okazję, szansę
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to miss out (on)
We didn't have a TV at home when I was young, and I felt as though I missed out. Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale. you have not missed out on anything — ничего интересного ты не пропустил
(medicine) To affect something. oddziaływać, podziałać na...
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to act on
Different drugs act on different parts of our body in many different ways. The medicine only ACTS ON infected tissue.
odgrywać rolę, scenę
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to act out
The children acted out their favourite poem. to act out a story.
wyładowywać emocje, odreagowywać, uwydatniać w zachowaniu wewnętrzne problemy
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to act out
Their anger is ACTED OUT in their antisocial behaviour. Children's negative feelings often get acted out in bad behaviour.
(intransitive, idiomatic) To misbehave; to cause trouble. Behave badly or strangely.
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to act up
Children may act up in class in an effort to get attention. My car started acting up after I drove through that huge puddle.
dodawać, doliczać (np. dodatkową opłatę). to add an extra amount to a total, or an extra item to a list
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to add on (to)
Don't forget to add on your travelling expenses. If you like something that's not on the list then add it on! The price does not include tax added on. You have to ADD the VAT ON to the price they give.

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