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kołatka (na drzwiach)
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kołatka (na drzwiach) ?
a knocker
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a bore
stacja kolejowa, dworzec autobusowy. (US) A bus station or railway station.
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a depot
What time does the train leave the depot?
stanowisko prezydenta, prezydentura
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presidency |ˈprezɪdənsɪ|
Who was elected four times to the presidency of the US? The presidency is an elective office. He is preparing a run for the presidency.
z początku
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at first
At first, he was really scared.
po namyśle. After thinking about something
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on/upon reflection. on second thought
At first she refused, but upon reflection she decided to accept the offer. I originally thought that it was a good idea, but on second thought I'm not so sure.

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