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Domanda English Risposta English
the rate of income an investor receives from a security; profit
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the rate of income an investor receives from a security; zysk
offer price
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the price at which a seller is prepared to sell a security at a particular time
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payments by companies to their shareholders (
means restricting imports by way of trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas by; protectionism trade protection
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means restricting imports by way of trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas by; protekcjonizm ochrona handlu krajowego
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A tariff is a tax charged on imports (Taryfa celna)
comaprative advantage
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Comparative advantage means a country's ability to produce particular fewer resources goods more efficiently (using fewer resources and at a lower cost) than some other countries.
infant industry
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An infant industry is one that is in an early stage of development and which cannot survive competition from foreign companies
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to pay part of the cost of something

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