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inizia ad imparare
to show sth
rozpocząć- zacząć coś, zacząć coś robić inizia ad imparare
to begin sth, to start doing sth
postrzegać - widzieć, nagrywać, zauważać inizia ad imparare
to see, to video, to notice
stwierdzić- powiedzieć, przedstawić inizia ad imparare
to say, to announce
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
to check
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to see
przestrzegać - przestrzegać inizia ad imparare
to follow
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suitable, acceptable, or correct for the particular circumstances
być świadomym- wiedzieć o inizia ad imparare
to know about
bezcenny - niezwykle przydatny inizia ad imparare
extremely useful
dokładny – wykonany bardzo ostrożnie, zwracając uwagę na szczegóły. inizia ad imparare
done very carefully, with attention to details.
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wyróżniać się - być zauważalnym, ponieważ jest się innym inizia ad imparare
be noticeable because od being different
garbić się- siedzieć leniwie, z ramionami pochylonymi w stronę inizia ad imparare
sit in a lazy way, with your shoulders bent towards
trzymać się z daleka od czegoś – unikać inizia ad imparare
autentyczny- prawdziwy, prawdziwy inizia ad imparare
real, true
skrzypce - dotykaj czegoś, bo jesteś zdenerwowany inizia ad imparare
keep touching something because you are nervous
przeczucie - reakcja oparta na uczuciach i emotikonach, a nie na myśleniu i rozumie inizia ad imparare
reaction based on feelings and emotions rather then thought and reason
niezawodny – zaprojektowany tak, aby nie mógł zawieść inizia ad imparare
designed so that it cannot fail
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an answer which is intended to be amusing rather then serious
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osoba, która bardzo interesuje się jakimś tematem i dużo o nim wie inizia ad imparare
a person who is very interested in and who knows a lot about a particular subject
równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym – liczba godzin tygodniowo, które spędzasz w pracy w porównaniu z liczbą godzin, które spędzasz z rodziną, relaksując się inizia ad imparare
the number of hours per week you spend working compered with the number of hours you spend with your famuły, relaxing
Sedno sprawy - główny powód czegoś inizia ad imparare
the main reason for something
rywalizacja o dobrym charakterze - przyjazna rywalizacja inizia ad imparare
friendly competition
osoba poszukująca pracy – osoba poszukująca pracy inizia ad imparare
people who are looking for the job
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something that is difficult to understand or explain
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to confuse sb completely
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far away grom places where other people live
wspaniały / niespotykany / niezwykły inizia ad imparare
unexpected, surprising or strange
znak, dowód inizia ad imparare
a mark, object, or sign that shows that sb or sth existed and was present
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to find the correct answer od explanation for sth
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easily made angry or annoyed
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Ready to consider new ideas and opinions
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not willing to spend money
roztrzepany, roztargniony inizia ad imparare
often forgetting or not noticing things
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determined to do what you want to do, event if other people advise you not to
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relaxed, not easily worried by things
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sensible and emotionally in control
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having a very high opinion of how important and clever you are
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not willing to listen to ideas different from your own
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thinking only about yourself and not about other people
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dishonest about your feelings, telling people what you think will please them
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cheerful and not easily made angry
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calm, not easily upset by what other people do
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behaving in a way that people think is polite and correct