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Famous, celebrated, or well-known; widely praised or highly honored.
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a renowned portrait painter. world-renowned trademark. renowned for...
dopełniać, uzupełniać
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to complement
I believe our talents really complement each other. We believe your addition will complement the team. A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner.
zdarzenie, zjawisko. явление
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occurrence |əˈkɜːrəns|
Lightning is a natural occurrence - zjawisko naturalne. Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom. Flooding in the area is a common occurrence.
uniemożliwiać, przeszkadzać. (часто from) мешать, препятствовать, не допускать
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to prevent
my cold prevents me from going out. A knee injury prevented him from playing in the match.
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Roberto made his way home from Scandinavia to his native Italy.
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to make sb way
They cached the fugitive slaves in cellar until they could make their way to Canada. I can make my own way to the beach. Most guests started to make their way home around about ten o'clock.
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fertilizer |ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər|
zobaczyć kogoś/coś przelotnie
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to catch a glimpse of
I caught a glimpse of her. From the window he could catch a glimpse of the lake.

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