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umówić się z, zaprosić na randkę
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to ask out
she won’t be asked out again. How do I get a shy man to ask me out?
nachylić górną część ciała
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to bend over. past: bent over
I BENT OVER to do my shoes up. I had to bend over to see all the way down there.
coś komuś nie służy. usually used in the negative to show that something has had a negative effect, especially is it makes you feel bad
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(not) agree with
Wine doesn't agree with me. This climate doesn't agree with her.
popytać. Ask a number of people for information of help.
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to ask around
I don't know, but ask around, somebody will know
liczyć na. To rely on someone or something; to count on something; to depend on something.
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to bank on
Don't bank on your relatives to help you out of trouble.
służyć pomocą, pomagać, wyciągnąć z trudnej sytuacji
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to help out
Be elsewhere; on holiday, etc...
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to be away
She's AWAY on business for three weeks.

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