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Czego oczy nie widzą, tego sercu nie żal.
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What the eyes do not see, the heart does not grieve over.
Её решение жить за границей глубоко опечалило её мать.
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Her decision to live overseas grieved her mother.
wyraża zgodę z kimś, to że widzisz że ktoś łapie temat
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You got that right. that's for sure
(transitive, intransitive) To prepare for something bad, such as an impact or blow.
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to brace
Brace yourself! You need to brace him for what's about to happen. Cathy braced herself to see Matthew, who she expected to arrive at any minute.
okiennica. roleta antywłamaniowa
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shutter. roller shutter
opór, ruch oporu
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resistance, Resistance movement
(intransitive, slang) To take place, happen.
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to go down
it ain't supposed to go down like this!
(intransitive, idiomatic) To succeed; to survive and overcome struggles.
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to come through
The team came through in the end and won the pennant. He came through the surgery unharmed.
porzucić, zostawić (np. osobę, samochód)
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Why did you ditch your last boyfriend? He was so nice to you.
okazać litość
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show mercy to

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