Domanda |
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contrary to popular belief
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gwałtowne (zachorowanie, zmiana) inizia ad imparare
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nagła potrzeba, nagły sukces inizia ad imparare
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[on] bardzo emocjonalnie reaguje, gdy... inizia ad imparare
he gets very intense when...
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to catch [or attract] sb's attention
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to give sb the benefit of the doubt
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wątpić w coś / nie dowierzać komuś inizia ad imparare
Czy to twój mąż podarował tobie te kolczyki? — chciałabym! inizia ad imparare
Did your husband give you those earrings? — I should be so lucky!
mało prawdopodobne, że dostanie tę pracę inizia ad imparare
she'll be lucky to get the job
uważać się za szczęściarza inizia ad imparare
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interact [talk and understand], to be on the same wavelength
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rozumieć piąte przez dziesiąte inizia ad imparare
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to be disrespectful to sb
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robić z kimś, co się komuś podoba, rozstawiać kogoś po kątach, pomiatać kimś inizia ad imparare
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zwracać czyjąś uwagę na coś inizia ad imparare
spuszczać psa, rozpuszczać włosy, "popuszczać szelki", odpuszczać sobie inizia ad imparare
nadać czemuś smak, ożywić, Since the goal, the game's gone a bit flat - there's no zing. inizia ad imparare
to give a bit of zing, be full of zing That'll give you a bit of zing. I was feeling a bit down yesterday, but then I booked a holiday, and that's given me a bit of zing.
wydalać [perf wydalić] osobę, wygnać inizia ad imparare
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nawrócony przy użyciu siły inizia ad imparare
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confirmation (in Catholic Church)
rezygnować z kursu, rzucać szkołę inizia ad imparare
to drop out of a school, to drop out of a course
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przekraczać [budżet, limit, granicę] inizia ad imparare
go over [budget, limit, border]
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maleć, kurczyć się, rozwiewać inizia ad imparare
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To feel burdened with sth
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mieć głos, zabierać głos; inizia ad imparare
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usunięcie, wyrzucenie, wydalenie inizia ad imparare
expulsion [from school, from homeland]
Z jakiego czasu to pochodzi? inizia ad imparare
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o włos uniknęła nieszczęścia inizia ad imparare
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tense atmosphere - napięta atmosfera; tense moment - chwila napięcia "I was all tensed up"
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niepokoić [lub obawiać] się o kogoś/coś inizia ad imparare
to feel anxiety about sb/sth / concern about sth
[ryzykowne] przedsięwzięcie inizia ad imparare
narażać coś/ kogoś na niebezpieczeństwo, zagrażać czemuś inizia ad imparare
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your inner self is telling you something
analizować, dogłębnie badać inizia ad imparare
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with / in regard to sb/sth
bez względu [lub nie zważając] na kogoś/coś inizia ad imparare
without regard for sb/sth
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najbardziej dziwi mnie fakt, że... inizia ad imparare
what surprises me most is that...
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żywić nadzieję, hołubić, otaczać troską kogoś, wysoko cenić niepodległość prawa inizia ad imparare
cherish hope, cherish sb cherish independence, cherish right:
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nie przypominać sobie czegoś inizia ad imparare
to have no recollection of sth
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wyrobić w sobie nawyk robienia czegoś inizia ad imparare
to get into the habit of doing sth
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at the relevant (appropriate) time
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only just (very recently)
w moim przypadku, w takim przypadku inizia ad imparare
in my case, in this case...
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speculations, that / of sth
potępienie, skazanie, konfiskata inizia ad imparare
disapproval, sentencing, forfeiting property
przypuszczenie, domniemanie inizia ad imparare
ekscentryk, osobliwość, niezwykłość inizia ad imparare
nie może pójść — coś mu wypadło inizia ad imparare
he can't go — something has come up
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skromny (o rzeczach) / (o ludziach) inizia ad imparare
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jakie ona robi na tobie wrażenie? być pod wrażeniem inizia ad imparare
how does she strike you? be struck by sth
potępiać, potępić kogoś za coś / coś inizia ad imparare
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odrodzenie (się), ożywienie, renesans inizia ad imparare
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hum (make a low sound) insects, engine, of traffic
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pomysł nagrania tej płyty narodził się w głowie Erica inizia ad imparare
the record was the brainchild of Eric
wtopić się w tłum, po chwili całe towarzystwo rozluźniło się i zaczęło rozmawiać inizia ad imparare
to mingle with the crowd, after a while they all began to mingle at the party
jednolitość (koloru), jedność (reguł, pomysłów) inizia ad imparare
uniformity of colour / of rules, ideas
sanktuarium, świątynia, relikwiarz, grobowiec inizia ad imparare
shrine (sanctuary, temple, reliquary, tomb)
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refurbishment, redecoration
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przyjaźń, wspólnota, bractwo, stypendium inizia ad imparare
fellowship (friendship, community, brotherhood)
oddawać cześć komuś/czemuś, wyznawać, czcić inizia ad imparare
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in the context of / with respect to / in (with) regard to
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drogi były zakorkowane drogi się zakorkowały inizia ad imparare
the roads were choked with traffic / the roads are chock-a-block with traffic / the traffic is tied up
samochody jechały jeden za drugim inizia ad imparare
we were stuck in traffic / we were inching along in a traffic jam the traffic was bumper to bumper
przejechać na czerwonym świetle inizia ad imparare
to jump the [traffic] lights
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mieć pierwszeństwo przed innymi inizia ad imparare
to have priority over others
uważać kogoś/coś za kogoś/coś (regard as) uważała, że jest głupi uważać, że... inizia ad imparare
to consider sb/sth [to be] sb/sth she considered him stupid / to consider that...
rozważać, rozpatrywać (think about) zastanawiamy się nad wyjazdem do Syrii / czy zastanawiałeś się, jak tam dojechać? inizia ad imparare
we are considering going to Syria / have you considered how to get there?
przy obsadzaniu tego stanowiska nie został wzięty pod uwagę inizia ad imparare
(take into account): consider he wasn't considered for this job
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mieć skłonność do robienia czegoś jestem skłonny się z tobą zgodzić inizia ad imparare
I'm inclined to agree with you
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brać pod uwagę [respektować] inizia ad imparare
to incorporate [suggestion, aspect od sth]
stanowić część czegoś [włączać, wcielać] inizia ad imparare
to be incorporated in(to) sth B is incorporated into a pharmaceutical which is selectively taken up by a malignant tumor and tissues near it.
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(po-) radzić sobie z czymś, nadawać się do czegoś (able to do) inizia ad imparare
to prove equal to sth, to be equal to sth
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poróżować po kraju, kontynencie wycieczka z przewodnikiem inizia ad imparare
to tour [Canada, Europe, city...]
wycieczka piesza / rowerowa inizia ad imparare
walking tour / biking trip
pomagać komuś, poratować kogoś, pomóc w pracy inizia ad imparare
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the thermometer reads 30°C
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tę książkę dobrze się czyta inizia ad imparare
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to read between the lines
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Are you good at reading people?
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narażać coś na niebezpieczeństwo, zagrażać czemuś inizia ad imparare
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niedawny, ostatni, najnowszy, aktualny inizia ad imparare
recent [last, latest, current]
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to have an intuition [that]...
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I sometimes follow my intuition when making decisions
(deal with): podchodzić do problemu / zagadnienia To podejście mi nie odpowiada. inizia ad imparare
to approach a problem / an issue I'm not comfortable with this approach.
(ask, offer): zwracać się do kogoś w jakiejś sprawie inizia ad imparare
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przeczucie [czuć to w kościach] inizia ad imparare
When it comes to decisions is it better to trust your gut feeling or take a more rational approach?
dręczące uczucie / niepewność inizia ad imparare
skończyć na dziś (pracę, aktywność) inizia ad imparare
pod wpływem kaprysu / spotnanicznie inizia ad imparare
to decide to do sth on a whim
lekkomyślny, nieostrożny, brawurowy inizia ad imparare
nie wyrażać swojego stanowiska, zachować neutralność inizia ad imparare
to be on a fence about sth
(causing nervousness) niepokojący, wytrącający z równowagi, destabilizujący inizia ad imparare
ciągły, nieustanny, przewlekły, długotrwały inizia ad imparare
persistent (long lasting)
(believe) kupić coś, wierzyć (potocznie) inizia ad imparare
I don't really buy into trusting your gut.
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When was the last time you messed up?
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sprowadzać się do czegoś; streścić się do czegoś; ograniczyć się do czegoś; inizia ad imparare
Oprah Winfrey strongly believes the key to her success comes down to relying on her intuition.
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by [or in] leaps and bounds
posuwać się naprzód, robić postępy, inizia ad imparare
to come on (move forward, make progress) Research on this topic has come on.
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powstrzymywać, hamować, utrudniać inizia ad imparare
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to some [or a certain] extent
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to a great [or large] extent
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give off (smell, heat, signal)
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korzystny dla kogoś/czegoś inizia ad imparare
podejmować korzystne decycje to make advantageous decisions
podejście intuicyjne, analityczne inizia ad imparare
approach (intuitive and analytical)
spontaniczna decyzja / instynktowna inizia ad imparare
on-the-spot decisions / instinctual
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don’t dismiss that inner voice
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refuse to listen to what someone says, or refuse to think about something seriously
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to be in the pit of the stomach If you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you have a tight or sick feeling in your stomach, usually because you are afraid or anxious.
Coś się dzieje złego, ale nie potrafię tego wyjaśnić. inizia ad imparare
put one's finger on something Something seemed to be wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
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something appears unnatural or wrong, something is not working out as expected inizia ad imparare
A few years ago I was involved in a new business, and on paper, it seemed like the dream job, but very quickly something seemed off.
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... a z kolei innym razem... inizia ad imparare
... but there have been other times, when...
... pamiętam jak kiedyś... inizia ad imparare
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zgadzać się w podstawowych kwestiach inizia ad imparare
to be in substantial agreement
możliwy do oszacowania, wyrażalny ilościowo inizia ad imparare
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The same goes for / the same applies...
uzasadniać, usprawiedliwiać inizia ad imparare
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manipulative (person, behavior)
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to have [great] empathy with sb
patrzeć "jednokierunkowo" inizia ad imparare
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szacunek [a high level of approval and respect] darzyć kogoś [głębokim] szacunkiem inizia ad imparare
to hold sb in [high] esteem / Who do you hold in particularly high esteem?
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act in a way that attempts to prove how good you are at something inizia ad imparare
Have you ever been guilty of trying to showboat?
prymat, zarozumiałość, wyższość the state of being more significant or successful than other people inizia ad imparare
She’s completely convinced of her own pre-eminence and talks to everyone as though they are idiots.
endemiczny, rozpowszechniony być rozpowszechnionym [being part of something and difficult to separate from it], native inizia ad imparare
skromny, pokorny [demonstrating that you do not regard yourself as more important than others] inizia ad imparare
umniejszać, bagatelizować [make something or someone out to be less important] inizia ad imparare
pycha [the fact of being overconfident and too self-assured of your own abilities] inizia ad imparare
Who do you know who you think has real hubris? How do they show it?
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sexual allure / hold (no) allure / what's the allure of...? / just don't [see, understand] the allure (of)
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self-assured [self-confident] You are too self-assured of your own abilities
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without effort, without a struggle
docenić, że ktoś coś zrobił nie mnie należą się wyrazy uznania inizia ad imparare
to give sb credit for sth to I can't take any of the credit
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rozwijać się, prosperować, kwitnąć, rozkwitać, rozkwitnąć, dobrze się rozwijać, się rozwijać inizia ad imparare
thrive [to prosper, be fortunate or successful, to grow or develop vigorously, flourish] the [business, civilization, industry] has thrived. Narcissistic people thrive on being the center of attention.
być w centrum zainteresowania inizia ad imparare
zwracać uwagę na kogoś/coś inizia ad imparare
zniechęcić kogoś do czegoś inizia ad imparare
to discourage sb from sth
umiejętności menedżerskie, doświadczenie w pracy na stanowisku kierowniczym, kierownicze stanowisko inizia ad imparare
managerial skills, managerial experience, managerial position
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prawo pierwokupu i sprzedaży akcji firmy inizia ad imparare
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trwać [perf prze-] [last for a long time] inizia ad imparare
using pre-existing work as the basis for your own or to your own advantage inizia ad imparare
to be happy because you are doing what you like or can do best inizia ad imparare
Kate, of course, was in her element, making all the arrangements.
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obalać, demitologizować, demaskować, ujawniać, wyjawiać inizia ad imparare
debunk [institution, myths]
something worth thinking seriously about inizia ad imparare
Thank you for your suggestion – it gave us a lot of food for thought.
(czyjeś) dni są policzone inizia ad imparare
(someone's) days are numbered The latest opinion polls suggest that his days as leader are numbered.
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to frighten a person or animal inizia ad imparare
He puts his draught horses in blinders, so they follow his lead and don't get spooked by sudden movements.
to be suddenly extremely successful in a place or popular with someone inizia ad imparare
take someone/somewhere by storm As everyone knows, the Beatles took the US by storm. / public debate was taken by storm
to change the meaning of facts or a statement; distort inizia ad imparare
twist / words, truth, reality You’re twisting my words – that’s not what I meant at all. During the trial, lawyers twisted the truth to gain the jury’s sympathy.
dokonać oszustwa, być skazany za oszustwo, oszustwo polegało na inizia ad imparare
commit fraud, be convicted of fraud, the fraud depended on
to help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal inizia ad imparare
His accountant had aided and abetted him in the fraud. [księgowy]
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You've put your jumper on back to front.
to refuse to accept the truth inizia ad imparare
She thinks he'll come back, but she's deceiving herself. Her main character flaw is her readiness to deceive herself. [flaw in character - wada charakteru]
trick - She felt they had tricked her into saying more than she intended. fool - You don't fool me with your innocent act. take in - They claimed to be destitute, but we weren't taken in. inizia ad imparare
deceive someone into doing something. The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out. pull the wool over someone's eyes - I'm not stupid. You can't pull the wool over my eyes like that.
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zbocze góry inizia ad imparare
mountain slope the floor is on the slope
pod warunkiem, że... o ile... inizia ad imparare
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powszechny, rozpowszechniony, dominujący inizia ad imparare
akcja, obława, nalot [też robić obławę na coś/ kogoś] inizia ad imparare
podobno ją uderzył twierdzić, utrzymywać, że... inizia ad imparare
he is alleged to have hit her
miejsce (spotkania, koncertu, rozmów) inizia ad imparare
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czynić [perf u-] kogoś niewolnikiem zniewoliły go jej piękne oczy stawać się niewolnikiem czegoś inizia ad imparare
he was enslaved by her beautiful eyes to become enslaved to sth przen.
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to occur to sb (come to mind)
krótkowzroczny (nie przewidujący konsekwencji) inizia ad imparare
short-sighted (with no consequences)
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gonić resztkami sił; jechać na rezerwie inizia ad imparare
od momentu, gdy / od czasu, gdy nie na początku zdania inizia ad imparare
She's had an irrational fear of sharks ever since watching the film 'Jaws'. We met at a party in 2005 and we've been together ever since. He's been fascinated by insects ever since he was a child. He's been depressed ever since he got divorced. Eric had a bone marrow transplant five years ago and has been healthy ever since.
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karta przetargowa (negocjacyjna) inizia ad imparare
bargaining chip (negotiation)
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hostilities [plural ] formal (fighting in war) Hostilities began/broke out just after midnight.
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They showed open (= obvious) hostility to/towards their new neighbours.
znaleźć rozwiązanie, osiągnąć porozumienie inizia ad imparare
to find solution, to reach agreement
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The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs. The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.
uprawniony do otrzymywania świadczeń inizia ad imparare
najbardziej prawdopodobny scenariusz inizia ad imparare
ulotny, (person, animal) nieuchwytny inizia ad imparare
przetrzymywać [lub trzymać] kogoś jako zakładnika inizia ad imparare
hold [or keep] someone hostage
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to take [or use] an occasion
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w brutalny, siłowy sposób inizia ad imparare
odpowiadać za (przyznawać się do) inizia ad imparare
hold the responsibility for sth claim / take / accept responsibility for sth
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poznawać (ludzi, miasto, imię, charakter) inizia ad imparare
to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true inizia ad imparare
take something with a grain of salt You have to take everything she says with a grain of salt, because she tends to exaggerate.
decydować o swojej przyszłości, decydować, co robić inizia ad imparare
to determine one's future / to determine what to do
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(the) humanities [plural] I've always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.
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ujednolicać [perf ujednolicić] inizia ad imparare
standardize procedures/processes/systems We standardize parts such as rear-view mirrors, so that one type will fit any model of car we make.
at a particular time in the past that you are talking about / wtedy inizia ad imparare
Back then, his name was known all over the world. I drive everywhere now but back then, I would happily walk for miles. Things were different back then. Back then, more kids were interested in fishing.
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Can I quote you on that (= can I repeat to other people what you have just said)? She worked, to quote her daughter, "as if there were no tomorrow".
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There is a mismatch between the capacity of the airport and the large number of people wanting to fly from it.
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you do or say something that will upset people or cause problems inizia ad imparare
It's better not to rock the boat when you first start a job. Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished.
to tell people about your achievements, especially in a way that makes you appear too proud of yourself inizia ad imparare
Go ahead, toot your own horn, especially if nobody else will. She's not one to go around tooting her own horn. He's modest, works very hard and doesn't blow his own horn much.
you are not free to behave in the way that you would like inizia ad imparare
I'd like to raise people's salaries but my hands are tied.
official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results inizia ad imparare
cut/cut through/reduce red tape (He promised to reform and cut red tape.) bureaucratic/excessive/government red tape
to think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas inizia ad imparare
sth it is spoiled or wasted (work/ money) inizia ad imparare
I can’t believe it’s broken already – well, there’s seventy bucks down the drain.
fuzja; połączenie dwóch równorzędnych firm poprzez wzajemną wymianę udziałów inizia ad imparare
mieć wspólny pogląd, zgadzać się (z kimś w jakiejś sprawie) inizia ad imparare
zrobiłam to somodzielnie, w pojedynkę inizia ad imparare
I made it single-handedly!
a situation in which there are only two possibilities, and you cannot do either because each depends on having done the other first inizia ad imparare
But it is a catch-22 situation - you can't get people without funding, but you can't get funding without the people there in the first place.
mój plan obrócił się przeciwko mnie inizia ad imparare
Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he started dating her best friend.
an occasion when someone must consider the unpleasant truth about something rather than trying to ignore it inizia ad imparare
The disappointing results of the last election were a reality check for the Republicans.
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Sales forecasts were overly optimistic. His films have been criticized for being overly violent.
rażący, jawny, bezczelny, w żywe oczy inizia ad imparare
What you are saying is blatantly false. It was a blatantly political statement. How can we blatantly ignore the needs of our fellow human beings? It was blatantly obvious that she was telling a lie. He has made some blatantly bad decisions.
dopuszczalny [considered satisfactory and acceptable in a law court] inizia ad imparare
The board's findings would be admissible in criminal court. It remains to be seen whether the report produces any admissible evidence. The judge ruled that new evidence was admissible.
odwzajemniać się, rewanżować się inizia ad imparare
bagatelizować [to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is] inizia ad imparare
The government has been trying to downplay the crisis.
odeprzeć np krytykę, komplement [to avoid something such as criticism, blame, or a question being directed at you] inizia ad imparare
deflect criticism The president deflected criticism of his economic record by focusing on crime. deflect blame He successfully deflected blame for his mismanagement of the crisis. deflect a question I just tried to deflect questions the best way I could.
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You should learn to accept criticism graciously. She graciously accepted the flowers that were presented to her. He graciously invited me to photograph him in his home studio.
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asterisked / marked with an asterisk
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uosabiać, reprezentować [to represent a quality or an idea exactly] zawierać [to include as part of something] inizia ad imparare
Kennett embodied in one man an unusual range of science, music, and religion. She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.
biorąc pod uwagę, świadomy, że, pamiętając o inizia ad imparare
Mindful of the poor road conditions, she reduced her speed to 30 mph. Politicians are increasingly mindful that young voters are turning away from traditional parties.
sb, who tries to control people to their advantage tending to influence or control someone or something to your advantage, often without anyone knowing it inizia ad imparare
He is resourceful, smart, skillful, ingenious, and savvy, but he also can be manipulative. Even as a child she was manipulative and knew how to get her own way.
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jako przysłówek: I don't believe that human beings are innately evil. He has the ability to create characters we can innately understand. Cyril's most impressive quality was his innate goodness. Her dance expresses the innate beauty of the human spirit.
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Though she had spent hours fixing the computer, he belittled her efforts. Stop belittling yourself - your work is highly valued.
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They know this entire resort. Changed 'all this resort' to 'this entire resort' for clarity and naturalness.
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It had been raining hard most of the afternoon.
Nie bądź dla niej ostry... inizia ad imparare
Don’t be too hard ON her – she’s just learning the job.
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She's a very demanding child. a demanding job/task
wysokość nad poziomem morza inizia ad imparare
stromy (znaczny wzrost, spadek) of prices: too high, more than is reasonable inizia ad imparare
The train slowed as it went up a steep incline. Yesterday’s steep decline in the value of the dollar was unexpected. We enjoyed our stay at the hotel, but the charges were a bit steep.
(dobrze) dawać sobie radę (w trudnej/ nowej sytuacji) inizia ad imparare
I wonder how Michael is getting along in his new job? I don't really get along with my sister's husband.
to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation or person inizia ad imparare
I thought I would stay calm, but when I was confronted with/by the TV camera, I got very nervous. As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her way. It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is.
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ethnic/racial tension There are growing tensions between the two countries. We need more tension in the wires, so pull them tighter. The tension was unbearable as we waited for our exam results.
Mam wrażenie, że się nie robię postępów. inizia ad imparare
And I feel like I'm not advancing at all.
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przygnębienie, melancholia inizia ad imparare
There are signs of despondency among staff. He felt a deep despondency. There is growing despondency at the way the war is progressing. A mood of despondency had set in. despondency about There is a general air of despondency about the state of our democracy.
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to propagandize [to create or spread propaganda about something or among a group] People can easily be propagandized. State-run television is one of the government's main tools for propagandizing its policies.
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She left her car by the side of the road and walked along the grass verge to the emergency phone.
nastrój przygnębienia popadać w przygnębienie inizia ad imparare
despondent mood, to become despondent
fikcyjny, pozorowany, udawany inizia ad imparare
He isn't really upset - he's just shamming. They made a fortune through some sham property deal. That jewellery looks sham to me. It turned out that he wasn't a real doctor at all - he was just a sham. They claimed that the election had been fair, but really it was a sham.
żmudny, wyczerpujący (podróż) inizia ad imparare
an arduous climb/task/journey
usypiać czyjąś czujność inizia ad imparare
to lull sb into believing that... to lull sb into a false sense of security