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Domanda Risposta
My head hurts
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Boli mnie głowa
My back hurts
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Bolą mnie plecy
My stomach hurts.
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Brzuch mnie boli.
I don't feel very well.
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Nie czuję się zbyt dobrze
Have you got something for my cough?
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Masz coś na mój kaszel?
How many tablets should I take?
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Ile tabletek powinienem wziąć?
How often should I use the cream?
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Jak często powinienem używać kremu?
What have you got for a headache?
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Co masz na ból głowy?
I'll give you a prescription for medication
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Dam ci receptę na leki
I'd like to see a doctor
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Chciałbym iść do lekarza
Where is the pharmacy?
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Gdzie jest apteka?

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