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(idiomatic, Canada, US) Polite expression to ask someone to repeat an utterance inizia ad imparare
Pardon me, I didn't hear you.
PV wydzielać (np. dym), wywoływać wrażenie (roztaczać aurę). (transitive) To emit; to produce and send forth; to come across in some manner inizia ad imparare
The substance was giving off smoke. I left because she gave off a sense of impatience with me. this lamp gives off a very bright light. this plant gives off a bad smell. Boiling water gives off steam.
PV rzucić (szkołę, studia), wypaść, wylecieć. (idiomatic) To leave (school, a race, etc.) prematurely and voluntarily. inizia ad imparare
Nothing went well in high school, so he dropped out. It was sheer stupidity that he decided to drop out of school. Two of the team have dropped out, and I don't know where we'll find replacements.
PV wybuchnąć (o wojnie), nagle się pojawić. (intransitive) To begin suddenly; to emerge in a certain condition. inizia ad imparare
The First World War broke out in 1914. He broke out in sweat. He broke out in song. There was a danger that fire would break out.
PV omówić. (transitive) To discuss; to converse about a matter or issue. inizia ad imparare
Come home early, we have a lot to talk over. Talk over any worries with your GP.
PV (transitive) To verbally interrupt (someone); to speak at the same time as someone else. inizia ad imparare
She rudely talked over her opponent in the debate.
PV (transitive) To persuade (someone); to talk around. inizia ad imparare
I didn't like the idea at first, but they eventually talked me over. She is an expert at talking others over to her views/side.
PV stanąć w obronie. (transitive) To speak or act in support or defense of (a person, a cause, a belief, or the like). inizia ad imparare
She stood up for me when no one else would, and I've never forgotten it. Those who don't stand up for their rights are apt to lose them. Though I disagreed with him, I respected him for standing up for what he believed in.
PV odprowadzić kogoś. To accompany someone to a point of departure; to ensure someone departs safely. inizia ad imparare
Many friends came to see me off. All the parents were at the railway station, seeing the children off to school.
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Their fabric is so thin that I can see through these curtains. We saw through the water with ease; it was as clear as glass. Can you see through this fog?
PV przejrzeć kogoś. widzieć prawdziwe intencje, nie dawać się zwieść inizia ad imparare
You are a liar, I can see through you. - przejrzałem cię. In that moment, I finally saw through her. I'm surprised she doesn't see through his lies. I can see through his poker face. He isn't fooling anyone.
PV (intransitive) To remain awake, to not go to bed inizia ad imparare
We stayed up (late) to watch a film. The kids were allowed to stay up till midnight on New Year's Eve. I'll be late home so don't stay up waiting for me.