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PV pójść z kimś, potowarzyszyć,
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to come along
All our friends will go there. Why don't you come along as well? I'd like you to come along with me to the opera. John came along with us to the cinema.
почему бы тебе... może byś... (sugestia by coś zrobić)
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why don't (you)...
Why don't you come with us? Why don't you give up smoking? Why don't you ask him yourself? Why don't you stay for supper?
(idiomatic) To try, test or attempt.
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give something a whirl
Why don't you give golf a whirl? I gave it a whirl. I don't know how to begin, but I'll give it a whirl, anyway.
na wsi
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na wsi ?
in the country
We have a house in the country as well as a flat in London.
PV pasować, mieścić się (transitive) To be of the right size and shape to be placed in a location
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to fit in/into
This couch won't fit into your room; it is 2 by 4 metres. This piece won't fit into the puzzle.
od (o dystansie). (often informal)
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out of
The village is located about five kilometres out of Cambridge. Five meters out of the ocean
następnego dnia
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the next day
You'll get your results the next day by post. I had a terrible hangover the next day. The next day, Saturday, we went shopping.

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