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Domanda English Risposta English
hold back
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control tears, keep secret, be reluctant to act
hold in
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restrain, hold back feelings
hold off
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not to do sth immediately, delay sth
hold on
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wait (on the phone)
hold on to
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continue to belive (an idea, belief)
hold out
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last, persist
hold up
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delay, use violence to rob, last
keep away from
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stay away
keep back
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not tell
keep down
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cause to remain at lower level
keep in
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make sb stay indoors (as punishment)
keep off
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make sb stay away from, avoid (food habit)
keep on
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continue in spite of difficulties, continue doing sth, carry on
keep out
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stop sb from going into a place
keep out of
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stay away from trouble
keep up with
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proceed at an equal pace with, continue to be informed (news, events)
look after
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take care of
look back (on)
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consider the past
look down (on)
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have a bad opinion of sb, dissaprove of sb/sth
look for
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search for
look forward to
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anticipate with pleasure
look in on sb
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pay a short visit to
look into
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examine, investigate
look on
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look out
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be careful
look out for
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be alert in order to see/ find sb/sth
look over
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examine sth carefully, go through, revise briefly quickly
look round
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visit a place and look at the parts of it
look through
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look at sth quickly, search among a few things to find sth
look up
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look for sth (address) in a book/list, visit sb living far
be made for
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suit exactly
make for
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go towards
make over
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give possession of sth to sb else
make out
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see sb/sth clearly, understand workout, write out fill in
make sth up to sb
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compensate sb for sth
make up
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invent, think up, (a story, an excuse), put cosmetics on, become friends again, form as a whole
make up for
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compensate, repay sb for sth

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