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to faint/ to pass out
I pass out at the sight of blood. I almost fainted at work today.
na widok
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at the sight of
Her mouth waters at the sight of popcorn.
skoki ze spadochronem
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parachute jumping
we're going parachute jumping.
na osobności
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in private
We need to meet in private so that the paparazzi don't see us together.
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Take me Although you hate me For in heaven There is no heartless madness. Forgive me, for I have sinned.
piernik, piernikowy
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a gingerbread house. a gingerbread cake
dążyć, starać się
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to strive (for, toward, to). strove striven
We must all strive to do better. They continue to strive toward their goals. We must continue to strive for greater efficiency. I'm striving toward a 4.0 this semester, but it's going to be tough.
samospełniająca się przepowiednia
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a self-fulfilling prophecy
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy: expect things to go wrong, and they probably will.
spełnić, zrealizować, zaspokajać
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to fulfill
If you work hard and fulfill yourself, you might find that you change the world after all. He's trying to fulfill himself as an artist. to fulfill the basic needs of children in the community. to fulfill safety requirements. - wymogi bezpieczeństwa

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