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Domanda English Risposta English
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give someone money for doing something illegal
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leading or important position
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someone who commits the crime of fraud
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a set of changes that make a person or thing look better
protection racket
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illegal system in which criminals threaten to harm you
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dishonest plan for getting money
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working secretly in order to catch criminals
white-collar crime
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office people steal money
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the process of becoming less valuable
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small round piece of substance
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short explanation or description
plant and machinery
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equipment like computers, office furniture, tools itp
raw metrials
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substance in its natural state
accounts payable
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money which company owes
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list of people employed by a company and their earns
extraordinary income
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one-time non-recurring income
profit and loss account
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show managers whether a business made or lost money
balance sheet
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to provide a snapshot of a business's value at a perticular point in time
cash flow statement
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indicate inflow and outflow of money
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to make someone feel less confident
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to make someone more likely to do something
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allow something to happen
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offering someone item or money for certain advantages

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