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kolos na glinianych nogach
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an idol with feet of clay
ukryta słabość, wada, niedostatek. A weakness or failing in someone.
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feet of clay
I know it's hard to believe, but anyone you admire surely has feet of clay.
To be very happy or jubilant. To flourish or have much success.
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To be very happy or jubilant. To flouris ?
flying high
Molly's been flying high ever since she passed her driver's test. Look at all the money we raised—our charity has really been flying high. The architectural firm has been flying high recently.
To see visual hallucinations or imagine things that are not really there.
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see things
There's no dog in the back yard—you're seeing things.
przygnębiać, dobijać PV. To cause one to feel saddened, depressed, discouraged, or dejected.
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to get down
The thought of working for a faceless corporation really gets me down. His rejection from Harvard has really gotten Stephen down.
серьёзно заняться делом; приступать к работе; взяться за работу. To begin doing something with the seriousness or determination the action requires; to begin doing what needs to be done. PV
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to get down to (doing something)
Let's get down to work now. It's time to get down to business. I always find it hard to get down to revising. OK, let's quit fooling around and get down to work. I guess I better get down to reading before I'm too tired.
otrząsnąć się, przejść (przez coś), wylizać się PV
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to get over
I'm having problems getting over a bad cold. I'd love to play rugby again, but I've been getting over a broken ankle.
przezwyciężyć PV. To overcome or find the solution to a problem, obstacle, or difficulty.
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to get over
I'm trying to get over my fear of flying. Getting over it

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