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Biden pledge to shut down border points to policy shortfalls // We shall need no pledge on paper, you and I. // She offered her house as a pledge. inizia ad imparare
zobowiązać się / gwarancja, zastaw, zabezpieczenie
There is a shortfall of money, so we cannot fund this project. // We've a shortfall in the budget this year inizia ad imparare
niedobór (finansowy), brak (pieniędzy) / dziura (w budżecie)
Illegal crossings surge to overwhelming levels // This challenge today is the surge of refugees. // She felt a sudden surge of joy. // There was a surge of activity in this area. inizia ad imparare
wzrost, napływ (ludności), przypływ (uczuć, emocji)
He had been the one to fall short, every time. // But it would still fall short of what is needed. inizia ad imparare
nie wystarczać / nie spełniać oczekiwań
This illustrates how his many other efforts to address immigration have fallen short of their goals. inizia ad imparare
He’s taken more than 500 executive actions since then, already surpassing former president Donald Trump’s four-year total // In fact, he surpassed what we asked him to do. // Whether the industry will surpass the record is not yet clear. inizia ad imparare
przewyższać (siłą, rozumem), być lepszym (od innych), przekraczać (oczekiwania), przechodzić (wyobrażenie)
Biden’s most active areas of policymaking has become one of his biggest vulnerabilities to reelection. // He's got a vulnerability you can exploit. // inizia ad imparare
Record numbers of illegal crossings have galvanized Republicans // It is possible, of course, for media attention to galvanize action. // inizia ad imparare
Significantly curb illegal entries and reduce chaos at the border // We have to curb our expenses or else we will go bankrupt // Curb your anger, Michael. // inizia ad imparare
powściągać, pohamowywać, hamować, ograniczać
This sudden influx of funds will be very helpful for me. // We are experiencing an influx of foreign capital into our country. ( inizia ad imparare
She pleaded me to lend her some money. // A woman on the street pleaded me to buy her some food inizia ad imparare
The political pressure on Biden has been growing, with Trump saying the issue won’t be fixed until he reclaims the White House inizia ad imparare
Law enforcement is always a matter of cost. // Enforcement of my ideas will be difficult. inizia ad imparare
wprowadzanie w życie, egzekwowanie
Trump and top Republicans have cast doubt in recent days on a potential deal inizia ad imparare
Biden officials once more turned to Mexico for enforcement help, and in recent weeks illegal crossings have eased. // This medicine will ease the pain. // I will ease this task for you. inizia ad imparare
The administration has made significant strides toward rebuilding the country’s legal immigration system // In recent years, the country has made great political and economic strides. inizia ad imparare
Several of the initiatives have fizzled out or fallen short. // Are you going to let it fizzle out into nothing, like that? inizia ad imparare
wygasać, skończyć się fiaskiem (np. o zainteresowaniu)
Several of the initiatives have fizzled out or fallen short. // The expedition's supplies began to fall short. // The results fell short of expectations. inizia ad imparare
nie wystarczać, nie spełniać oczekiwań
I intend to suspend the sitting for five minutes. // I got suspended for sleeping at work. // The administration suspended the program in April for six months. inizia ad imparare
przerywać (np. negocjacje, obrady), wstrzymywać (np. produkcję) / zawieszać
He's useless for our company, I have to free him. // I'm afraid that my boss wants to free me up - he's looking for someone new // inizia ad imparare
zwolnić kogoś (przez zastąpienie go)
Biden officials say the measures are being applied more widely now, and remain crucial to their efforts to stiffen consequences for breaking the law. inizia ad imparare
usztywniać / zaostrzać (zasady, przepisy)
The mother imposed a punishment on her children. / We finally imposed obedience on our dog. inizia ad imparare
wymuszać // narzucać (np. zasady), nakładać (np. kary)
Make sure you will return home before the curfew. // A curfew has been introduced along the martial law. inizia ad imparare
The police seized his gun. // Troops have seized the airport and railroad terminals // Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power. inizia ad imparare
przejąć (władzę nad czymś), konfiskować (broń, narkotyki), wziąć w posiadanie (czyjąś własność)
The student was expelled from school. // They expelled him, his wife and 10 children from their home. inizia ad imparare
wydalać / wyganiać, wypędzać
Not one would even entertain the idea of taking the job. // Biden’s desire to secure funding for Ukraine and Israel is a key reason he is entertaining the idea of major policy changes on the border. inizia ad imparare
ustosunkowywać się, rozważać
You have to back my idea even if they won't like it. // They refused to back us financially. inizia ad imparare
... policies that candidate Biden in 2020 would not have put on the table // The United States said Europe must put a new offer on the table to save the talks inizia ad imparare
oficjalnie przedstawić, oficjalnie zaproponować
They are not ready to take down the barbed wire. // Images of families crawling under barbed wire and climbing through gaps in the border wall cut by smugglers dealt new damage to the president’s approval ratings on the issue. inizia ad imparare
His actions directly resulted in the apprehension of known drug trafficker. inizia ad imparare
Some fierce penalties have been introduced for drunk-drivers. // She is opposed to death penalty. inizia ad imparare
Some fierce penalties have been introduced for drunk-drivers. // She turned a sharp, fierce look upon him. // We have only 5 fierce supporters. inizia ad imparare
zażarty, zacięty, zajadły, zagorzały, gwałtowny, ostry (bardzo mocny), surowy
badly-clogged immigration courts // The toilet is clogged again. inizia ad imparare
zablokowany, unieruchomiony, zapchany
He learned of his ineligibility problem from the college coaches. // There’s an assumption that if you just add asylum ineligibility, the numbers will go down inizia ad imparare
dyskwalifikacja, brak kwalifikacji, brak uprawnień
In some states the public school week is being curtailed. // I actually had to curtail part of the business the first time. inizia ad imparare
redukować (np. zarobki), ograniczać (np. wolność), tłumić (np. inflację)
Our job is to apprehend those who break the law. inizia ad imparare
aresztować, schwytać, pojmać (np. złodzieja)
president’s immigration advisers have argued enforcement data should not be a gauge of immigration policy success or failure. inizia ad imparare
miernik, wskaźnik, licznik
Don't let your problems mount and overwhelm you. // My duties are mounting but I don't have time to deal with them // Mounting political pressure, however, has left Biden’s team no less attuned to border-crossing numbers than its predecessors. inizia ad imparare
piętrzyć się, nagromadzać się (np. o problemach)
We, on the other hand, have years, decades sometimes, to attune our bodies to the ways of health. // To begin your journey, you must attune to an inner world. inizia ad imparare
nastroić, nastrajać, dostroić, dostrajać (np. do czegoś)
I'm glad you find the death of my predecessor so amusing. // Prime Minister, your predecessor did not have an easy or positive start. inizia ad imparare
fraught political environment. // The atmosphere in the office is fraught. inizia ad imparare
No one knows the intricacies of the issue better than these two. // Many students came to learn intricacies of music with him. inizia ad imparare
zawiłość, złożoność, misterność
The longer you're around him, the more susceptible you become. // What I see is that you are not susceptible to reason. // The intricacy of the issue has in some ways left Biden more susceptible to simple, easy-to-digest political attacks inizia ad imparare
podatny, drażliwy na, czuły na
It stoked fear in me. // The images stoke emotion — when people see the images of the border, they get angry inizia ad imparare
podsycać, wzbudzać (np. szacunek) wzniecać (np. emocje)
The new rule has been enacted. // The first 15 percent tax cut was enacted last year inizia ad imparare
uchwalać, wcielać w życie
adverse legal rulings // I have nothing particularly adverse to say about the book. // Everything was adverse for this young couple from the beginning. inizia ad imparare
niekorzystny, szkodliwy, niepożądany
To make the general take the bait we had to use the general's daughter. inizia ad imparare
połknąć haczyk, dać się nabrać
I did not like to cede my place to him. inizia ad imparare
cedować, oddawać, ustępować
I noted a big cow running around your field // Did you note her strange behaviour? inizia ad imparare
zauważać, zwracać uwagę na
Our parliamentary system is in need of an overhaul. // She was taken out of service the following year for an overhaul. // the president released a plan for an immigration overhaul on the first day of his presidency inizia ad imparare
restrukturyzacja, przegląd, naprawa, przebudowa
James sought a promotion but he didn't get it. inizia ad imparare
Democrats prevailed by championing issues like health care // I'm pretty sure common sense will prevail in the end. inizia ad imparare
zwyciężać, brać górę, wygrywać
To speak candidly // A couple of the people spoke candidly about growing up black in a white society. inizia ad imparare
It was a disheartening experience to have to fight for ground once held. // It is very disheartening and sad to me that so much of our country has turned their backs on the very core of who we are and who we are as immigrants inizia ad imparare
przygnębiający, zniechęcający
She looked squarely at him // He is squarely to blame for this // He hit me squarely in the face. // He put the blame squarely on Trump. inizia ad imparare